



Please consider this -probably poorly written- example :

class Command;

 class Command : public  boost::enable_shared_from_this<Command>
  public :
   void execute()
                // then do some stuff which is common to all commands ... 

   // Much more stuff ...
      virtual void executeImpl()=0;
         // Much more stuff too ...

and :

class CmdAdd : public Command
  CmdAdd(int howMuchToAdd);
  void executeImpl();

  int _amountToAdd;

// implementation isn't really important here .... 

With this, I can simply add a callback using this syntax :

        boost::shared_ptr<Command> cmdAdd(CmdAdd(someValue));

It works flawlessly. My "Command" class does much more things which are common to all commands, such as implementing undo, redo, progress report and so on, but I removed it from the code for the sake of readability.

Now my question is simple : is there a way to rewrite the command class, so that I can replace this call :

boost::shared_ptr<Command> cmdAdd(CmdAdd(someValue));

by something like :

CmdAdd(someValue); // preferably
or CmdAdd->execute(someValue)

I've been thinking about that a lot but I have a conceptual problem : I wanted to template my Command class like

template <typename R,typename T1, typename T2, ..., typename Tn> class Command
    R1 execute(T1 p1, ...,Tn pn)
        return executeImpl(T1 p1, ...,Tn pn);
        // then do some stuff which is common to all commands ... 

but obviously, there's a problem here : the syntax template <typename R,typename T1, typename T2, ..., typename Tn> isn't legal C++ , AFAIK.

Do I have to write n versions of Command, like :

template <typename R> class Command
template <typename R,typename T1> class Command
template <typename R,typename T1, typename T2> class Command

and so on ? (not even sure this is gonna work indeed)

Or is there another, more elegant way to do this ? Is the syntax, mentioned here of any use there ? (function f;)

I've been looking at Loki's type lists and they seem to do the job. But I can't find anything that in Boost. I read on the web that boost::mpl is what one wants to use to implement typelists, but I'm a bit confused by MPL docs ?

Any insights on this ? Regads, D.

+2  A: 

AFAIK You can't really do this with the current standard of C++. Some boost code uses macros and other preprocessing to simulate variadic templates (I think boost::pool or boost::object_pool use something like that).

However, variadic templates are coming in the next standard C++0x and according to this page GCC already provide an implementation starting with v4.3 :

If you're using it, you can enable it by activating C++0x.

+1 This is the true answer. However given the fact that this new C++ is not yet supported by all compilers: How portable do you want your code to be? Does it need to be compilable under most compilers or is a single specific compiler enough for you?
Niels Basjes
Variadic templates do not solve the problem, see my answer.

Variadic templates, as Klaim pointed out, are the ultimate solution to this problem. However, there is a way to allow a variable number of template arguments using type lists:

template <class H, class T>
struct typelist
    typedef H head;
    typedef T tail;

This allows you to write typelist<typelist<int, float>, double>, for instance. It is a real pain in the neck to read and write, however, and is the main reason why boost::function uses the brute force approach (separate class for each number of template arguments): boost::function0, boost::function1, boost::function2, etc. for its backend implementation. It's just so much easier than traversing typelists recursively through template metaprogramming.

As for a general answer, I posted it in the other thread where you originally had this question along with another one.

I was wondering if by using partial template specialization, it's possible to use boost system, but with only one function name, i.e, instead of :function0<>function1<typename T1> have function<>function<typename T1> and the compiler chooses the right version depending on the number of template arguments you provide :MyFunction : public Function<int> -> would "choose" function1<typename T1> If I understand what you say, one should write MyFunction : public Function1<int> for this to work, right ?
+2  A: 

At first glance, variadic templates seem like the perfect solution. Unfortunately, they don't play well with virtual functions:

template <typename... Args>
void execute(Args&&... args)

This requires executeImpl to be a virtual member function template, but there is no such thing in C++!

+1 for the good catch. But the way he shows will still work. Like `template<typename FType> class Command; template<typename R, typename ...P> struct Command<R(P...)> { /* ... */ virtual R executeImpl(P...) = 0; };` Then he can implement it by `class CmdAdd : public Command<void(int)> { void executeImpl(int howMuch) { /* ... */ } };`
Johannes Schaub - litb
@Johannes: Your solution implies that all subclasses use the same function signature, right? Is that what Dinaiz wants? I'm not sure.
I agree, it's just that there is no base class common to all commands :)
Matthieu M.
@Matthieu that's a good point. @Fred they pass their function type to the `Command` base-class, so each of them can have a different function-type. Signature (regarding its function type) isn't necessarily the same for each subclass. It's a direct translation of the questioner's template code - but i didn't think about @Matthieu's point about a common non-template base class.
Johannes Schaub - litb
+2  A: 

Interesting question :)

First of all, there is an issue you overlooked: you need a common base class for all Command and this class cannot be templated if you are going to use a stack of them (for undo/redo).

Therefore you are stuck with:

class Command
  void execute(); 
  virtual void executeImpl() = 0;

I can understand your desire an execute function with parameters, but don't forget that anyway you would need to save those parameters for the undo/redo operation. It's just simpler to get them through the constructor.

However, you could still use a templated method to actually invoke a command:

template <class Command>
void execute() { Command cmd; cmd.execute(); }

template <class Command, class T0>
void execute(T0& arg0) { Command cmd(arg0); cmd.execute(); }

/// ...

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  execute<MyLittleCommand>("path", 3);

Which is close to the syntax you desired. Note that I have purposely forgotten about the stack here, in my mind you need to pass it to the execute method for registration (once completed).

Not that I would also probably change the Command design to get closer to a Strategy pattern:

struct CommandImpl
  virtual ~CommandImpl();
  virtual void executeImpl() = 0;

class Command
  template <class C>
  static Command Make() { return Command(new C()); }

  template <class C, class T0>
  static Command Make(T0& arg0) { return Command(new C(arg0)); }

  /// ....

  void execute(CommandStack& stack)

  Command(CommandImpl* c): mImpl(c) {}
  boost::shared_ptr<CommandImpl> mImpl;

It's the typical combination of Non Virtual Interface and Pointer to Implementation idioms.

Matthieu M.
Very interestind ! Indeed I added a non-template CommandBase class, precisely for containers purposes. Saving/restoring parameters also works flawlessly (unsing a few tricks).I finally choosed to use this approach "template <typename R> class Commandtemplate <typename R,typename T1> class Commandtemplate <typename R,typename T1, typename T2> class Command", along with boost preprocessor. Seems to be the asiest way, but I still got some syntaxic problems.I find your approach much more elegant than mine though, so thanks a lot and I'm gonna have a look at this strtegy pattern :-)