



I need a user-mode filesystem filter (not virtual filesystem). One of such frameworks is, but it has some bugs and I need an alternative.
Suggest similar frameworks.


There is no such thing as a user-mode FS filter.

You could write a minifilter driver that delegates the computing (of the I/O operation verdict) to a user mode component through a port and reports back the result.
You can check out /src/filesystem/miniFilter/scanner sample in the WinDDK.

Check this out: need similar technologies.
@skevar7: clyfe is right. what you link to is a plain trickery using windows hooks. and it can be sometimes bypassed. google for "windows hooks" for more.
hooks????? what hooks have to do with this framework?
@skevar the software in your link uses a filter driver like i described, check technical specifications under "driver" section
@clyfe you should read question more carefully. This framework does exactly what I need. I just need similar frameworks to choose the best.
+1, this answer is accurate. Use Google for shopping.
Hans Passant
Why don't you just don't write anything, if you don't have an answer?
You're attitude towards people trying to help is questionable. I get the feeling you are trying to advertise that worthless software $$$. What do you gain by using that? It installs a driver anyway, there is nothing "user-mode" in it!
Yeah I have to agree with the previous posters. Your attidude stinks! Also, everytime I see someone write "plz" I have to throw up. -1 for you.
+1  A: 

Not going to happen, you are going to have to write a minifilter driver.

Any solution attempting to do this is going to fail in a very bad way.

Many callbacks in the minifilter frameowrk can be called at dispatch level and cannot be delegated to userland. Not to mention netowrk share access would be all messed up. Marshalling access tokens from kernel->user on the write path would be a bluescreen factory.

Karl Strings
You are wrong too, there are such tools. FUSE, Dokan, etc. I just need a tool which suits my needs.
Karl Strings
+2  A: 

CallbackFilter is the only filter driver solution available. You mention dokan and fuse, but they are not filters, they are file system drivers (like Callback File System). This is a very different thing.

If you have problems with CallbackFilter, please report them to and we will address the issues ASAP.

Eugene Mayevski 'EldoS Corp
Sad but true :) There is no other similar products.
You are welcome to contact with issues. Yes, CallbackFilter has things to be improved, and we are working on them all the time, so your feedback will help a lot. And discounts are provided as well.
Eugene Mayevski 'EldoS Corp