I am trying to write a bag of features system image recognition system. One step in the algorithm is to take a larger number of small image patches (say 7x7 or 11x11 pixels) and try to cluster them into groups that look similar. I get my patches from an image, turn them into gray-scale floating point image patches, and then try to get cvKMeans2 to cluster them for me. I think I am having problems formatting the input data such that KMeans2 returns coherent results. I have used KMeans for 2D and 3D clustering before but 49D clustering seems to be a different beast.
I keep getting garbage values for the returned clusters vector, so obviously this is a garbage in / garbage out type problem. Additionally the algorithm runs way faster than I think it should for such a huge data set.
In the code below the straight memcpy is only my latest attempt at getting the input data in the correct format, I spent a while using the built in OpenCV functions, but this is difficult when your base type is CV_32FC(49).
Can OpenCV 1.1's KMeans algorithm support this sort of high dimensional analysis?
Does someone know the correct method of copying from images to the K-Means input matrix?
Can someone point me to a free, Non-GPL KMeans algorithm I can use instead?
This isn't the best code as I am just trying to get things to work right now:
std::vector<int> DoKMeans(std::vector<IplImage *>& chunks){
// the size of one image patch, CELL_SIZE = 7
int chunk_size = CELL_SIZE*CELL_SIZE*sizeof(float);
// create the input data, CV_32FC(49) is 7x7 float object (I think)
CvMat* data = cvCreateMat(chunks.size(),1,CV_32FC(49) );
// Create a temporary vector to hold our data
// we'll copy into the matrix for KMeans
int rdsize = chunks.size()*CELL_SIZE*CELL_SIZE;
float * rawdata = new float[rdsize];
// Go through each image chunk and copy the
// pixel values into the raw data array.
vector<IplImage*>::iterator iter;
int k = 0;
for( iter = chunks.begin(); iter != chunks.end(); ++iter )
for( int i =0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++)
for( int j=0; j < CELL_SIZE; j++)
CvScalar val;
val = cvGet2D(*iter,i,j);
rawdata[k] = (float)val.val[0];
// Copy the data into the CvMat for KMeans
// I have tried various methods, but this is just the latest.
memcpy( data->data.ptr,rawdata,rdsize*sizeof(float));
// Create the output array
CvMat* results = cvCreateMat(chunks.size(),1,CV_32SC1);
// Do KMeans
int r = cvKMeans2(data, 128,results, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.1));
// Copy the grouping information to our output vector
vector<int> retVal;
for( int y = 0; y < chunks.size(); y++ )
CvScalar cvs = cvGet1D(results, y);
int g = (int)cvs.val[0];
return retVal;}
Thanks in advance!