



How am i able to Stop GPS from receiving new signals?

was searching for it, just use:

if u initialize a LocationsManager Object

mLocationManager_ = (LocationManager) mContext_.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

add an location listener, GPS is starting to a GPS-Lock,

mLocationListener_ = new MyLocationListener(mContext_);
        mLocationManager_.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, mLocationListener_);

if this lock exists, you see the GPS Signal in your status bar, now, if you press Home, you see, the GPS ist still online, because your App ist still haveing and trying to continue your GPS lock,

so use


to stop your App from receiving new location updates.

:=) have fun! I hope this answer is more appreciated :=) Just wanna contribute what i searched for.