I'm using Catalyst::View::JSON and Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid to retrieve JSON data to front page. Below is the code concerned (copy much partially from Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid example):
package UW::Controller::Site; use utf8; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } with 'Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid'; sub json : Local{ my ($self, $c) = @_; my $merchant_rs = $c->model('WindyDB::Merchant')->search({}); $merchant_rs = $self->jqgrid_page($c, $merchant_rs); my $row = 0; my @row_data; my $i = 0; while (my $mer = $merchant_rs->next){ $i ++; my $mer_id = $mer->mer_id; $c->log->debug($mer_id); my $single_row = { 'id' => $i, 'cell' => [ 'id' => $mer->mer_id, 'name' => $mer->mer_name, ], }; push @row_data, $single_row; } $c->log->debug( @row_data); $c->stash->{json_data}->{rows} = \@row_data; $c->stash->{current_view} = 'JSON'; }
But I found the format is a little weird :
{"current_view":"JSON","json_data":{"page":0,"records":"8","rows":[{id:1, cell:["test1","6"]},{id:2, cell["test2","7"]}],"total":1}}
Actually, as jqGrid doument, data format should be:
{ total: "xxx", page: "yyy", records: "zzz", rows : [ {id:"1", cell:["cell11", "cell12", "cell13"]}, {id:"2", cell:["cell21", "cell22", "cell23"]}, ... ] }
Does That means "current_view" and "json_data" pairs are surplus? So is there a way to remove current_view and json_data before server ship? or does I use the modules incorrectly? I'm new to Catalyst and jqGrid, please help. Any replies are really appreciated!