
What's the best approach to migrate a CGI to a Framework?

Hi, i have a big web application running in perl CGI. It's running ok, it's well written, but as it was done in the past, all the html are defined hardcoded in the CGI calls, so as you could imagine, it's hard to mantain, improve and etc. So now i would like to start to add some templating and integrate with a framework (catalyst or CGI:...

How can I use DBD::Proxy with DBIx::Class?

I need to get a database connection through a firewall, and also limit what queries can be run. DBD::Proxy seems to be the perfect solution for this. However, I'm currently using DBIx::Class, and can't figure out how to hook them together. In particular, DBD::Proxy doesn't take SQL; it takes particular named queries. But DBIx::Class doe...

How can I upload a file using Catalyst?

I am working on an internal web based application for storing and cataloging photos. How should I retrieve, and save these files to the server? Note: I want to save the files to the file system, not to a database. Similar to this question ...

Required Flash Player for Flash Catalyst

I know that Flash Catalyst is still in Beta, but I'm trying to look ahead. A lot of our users are on intranets whose IT staff require a lot of lead time to upgrade the Flash Player on user's computers. Right now most users are on Flash Player 9. So my question is, will SWF files created with Flash Catalyst require Flash Player 10? ...

How do I use multiple Template Toolkit TTSite views on a Catalyst site?

I use Template Toolkit to generate views of pages in Catalyst. To do some basic Ajax, I want to have some output pages not use the TTSite style, but a much more basic structure. Do I put something special into the stash to use a .tt2 file without the header/footer/etc that automatically comes with the rest of my templates? (site gener...

Is Catalyst+Mason+Template::Toolkit worth learning rather than sticking to LAMP+Axkit?

hi, Currently i'm using pretty much Unix + Mysql + Perl + Apache with some javascript to make it more ajax like. and i've been looking at sites which are web 2.0 and stackoverflow and really like the simple design and the smooth flow from pages and action, etc. i'm trying to decide if learning catalyst, mason and the likes are going to ...

How do you mix Phusion Passenger in a mod_perl virtual host?

I have a VirtualHost which sets the handler for Location / to a PerlModule to deploy a catalyst application. I want to convert the catalyst application to rails, but gradually. The front end is all javascript using the ExtJS Framework, and the backend only serves JSON. This will allow for a gradual transition as long as the JSON is i...

What's the best action persistence technique for a Catalyst application?

I'm writing a Catalyst application that's required to have a fairly short session expiration (15 minutes). I'm using the standard Catalyst framework authentication modules, so the user data is stored in the session -- i.e., when your session expires, you get logged out. Many of the uses of this application will require >15 minutes to co...

Flex/AIR + Catalyst: What's the best way to get them to talk to each other?

What is the best way to get Adobe Flex/AIR to communicate with perl Catalyst? We are currently using Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC on the Catalyst side and as3-rpclib on the Flex/AIR side. That works fine, but I'd rather take as3-rpclib out of the picture and use a method that is native to Flex. From what I can tell, it's native compnone...

How do I cleanup at request end in Catalyst?

I'm trying to get some code called after each request completes using Catalyst. Basically, I want to run some code as part of finalize. Supposedly Catalyst::Plugin::Observe will do this, but it appears completely broken (just loading the plugin breaks Catalyst). I'm trying to fix the Observe plugin, but that's proving stubborn. So, is ...

What's the right way to display a DBIx::Class ResultSet in my Catalyst project that uses Template Toolkit?

Given a DBIx::Class resultset, for example: my $rs = $c->model("DB::Card")->search({family_name => "Smith"}); the tutorials I've read use the stash to pass an arrayref of rows: $c->stash->{cards} = [$rs->all]; This results in the query getting executed at this point, and the resulting objects stuffed into the stash, so they can be ...

How can I combine Catalyst and ngettext?

I'm trying to get my head around i18n with Catalyst. As far as I understood the matter, there are two ways to make translations with Perl: Maketext and Gettext. However, I have a requirement to support gettext's .po format so basically I'm going with gettext. Now, I've found Catalyst::Plugin::I18n and thus Locale::Maketext::Lexicon, whi...

How are Perl Catalyst actions implemented?

How is the following code implemented in Perl? sub add_item : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; my $item_id = $c->req->param("item"); push @{ $c->session->{items} }, $item_id; } I am interested in the add_item : Local part, cause I don't think those are Perl keywords. ...

Is there good study material for Mason/Catalyst for an experienced .Net programmer?

I come from Asp.Net background and recently got assigned to a Perl web project for maintenance and enhancement. I just know that this project uses some stuff like Catalyst, Mason, Alzabo etc. There is plenty of time for me to learn. I need some good guidance on where to start. I'm looking for some good online resources (even webcasts)...

How do I add /doc/ to the end of every URL in Catalyst?

We're trying to make our REST API a bit more friendly, We have a base class for our REST API which inherits from Catalyst::Controller::REST. Each REST class can identify the query parameters it accepts. We thought it would be nice to make this information public and put this into the base class: sub doc : Regex('/doc$') { my ( $...

Are there good resources for porting mod_perl to Catalyst & is it worth it?

We have a big e-learning mod_perl web app, which use AxKit, XML, XLST and javascript primarily running on a unix server. What I've came to notice is that the codes are rather messy, and there has been a few generations of developers coming in and out. Due to the current structure, the task of trying to make a simple hello world webpage i...

Where is the good documentation for Catalyst?

Hello! I have a problem with understanding the Catalyst MVC framework. I have read a Catalyst book and documentation from CPAN for Catalyst, but I am still a noob and don't understand how to work with this. I am looking for good examples and documentation for Catalyst that describes how to work with classes, databases, and templates. ...

How can I match /foo but not /foo/ in Perl's Catalyst?

I want to match /foo, but not /foo/ (where foo can be any string) or / I tried a lot of things along these lines: sub match :Path :Regex('^[a-z]+$') sub match :Regex('^[a-z]+$') sub match :Path :Args(1) But I cannot achieve what I need. I don't believe the problem is with my regex, but because I want to handle a path without an argu...

Is there a Catalyst tutorial that uses HTML::Template instead of TT?

I've been looking through a couple of Catalyst tutorials and they all tend to use Template Toolkit instead of HTML::Template. I've spent a lot of time with HTML::Template and I like it, and while I can see the power of TT, I don't know it, and I feel like I'd be learning two things at once; plus, because it does its processing in-templa...

[MVC] Best way to save logs/statistics

I use Catalyst (MVC framework for Perl), but the question probably apply to all MVC framework. Until now, I used the Apache log files to get statistics about the visitors: user agent, URL accessed, time, etc. But now that I moved to an MVC framework, I don't think this is adequate. If a request to /1/foo and /1/bar are the same for me, ...