
How can I use mysql bit from using DBIx

Hi, I am trying to access a mysql bit field in my catalyst app. Here is the table info: SQL: create table foo{ ... mybitField bit(1) NOT NULL default b'0' } My mapped table: ... mybitField { data_type => "BIT", default_value => "b'0'", is_nullable => 0, size => undef, } ... Now in my controller, I do a simple...

How do I create a session in Catalyst?

Trying to figure our how to create, store and retrieve session info in Catalyst. Any suggestions? ...

How do I grab all the request parameters in Catalyst?

Specifically I'm trying to capture all the POST parameters from a payment gateway as a single string and then parse them looking for the string 'ERROR'. I'm aware there's a $c->request->parameters method but I'm not quite sure how its used and couldn't figure it out from the CPAN documentation. Thanks in advance! ...

How can I use Haml with Catalyst?

Is it possible to use Haml instead of a templating engine with the Catalyst web framework? ...

Where do I put persistent data in Catalyst?

I am writing a Catalyst web application that presents some data that does not change in between requests. I want to load this data when the application starts and stick them somewhere so that the relevant controllers can use them. Where should I load this data and where should I store it? At first I tried to load it in the main fi...

How can I use XML::Simple to configure HTML::FormFu?

I assume you can use XML::Simple with HTML::FormFu because FromFu uses Config::Any to load it's config data. However, I can't seem to find any sample xml configs being used with HTML::FormFu. Not only am I getting an error. I'm not sure my xml is structured correctly to create the desired form. For example, on options, formfu wants an a...

Adobe Catalyst: rounded corners

I've created a rectangle in catalyst and under the "properties" panel, all I can see is Corners 10 for the rectangle. Is there a way to individually define each corner similar to CSS. I can't see any source code view in catalyst to enable me to fine tune it for each of the 4 corners. How do I specify the roundedness of each corner separa...

How do I access the stash in every request in a parent controller?

Hello! I am trying to refactor my Catalyst application and I would like to introduce a common base class for my controllers. This base controller would load some data and put some other data into the stash for every request. I have got some trouble getting to the stash. Simple solution would be to implement a default auto action in the b...

How can I forward a public path to another Catalyst controller?

Let say the public URL /faq is linked to the private path /faq/index in my Catalyst application: package MyApp::Controller:FAQ; sub index :Path { [....] How can I do a forward to /faq from another controller, that is how can I know that the action for the URL /faq is /faq/index ? Something like: $c->forward(c->dispatcher->get_action_...

How do I load Catalyst::Plugin::SmartURI in my main application file?

I'm working on some large Catalyst codebase which doesn't have a seperate config file. However, in the main module it does have things like: __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'Example::Server', encoding => 'UTF-8', ... ); So I was hoping I could just add the SmartURI config there, like this: __PACKAGE__->config( name => '...

How should I do RPC in Perl with Catalyst?

I've been trying to find a good form of RPC to standardize on, but so far I've ran into a ton of walls and was wondering what the stackoverflow communities view was. My ideal RPC would provide the following: Somewhat wide support in other languages, in that people shouldn't have to write a custom stack to use our server Input validat...

How do I add relationships at runtime using DBIx::Class and Catalyst?

In the application I am building, users can specify relationships between tables. Since I only determine this at runtime, I can't specify has_many or belongs_to relationships in the schema modules for startup. So given two tables; system and place, I would like to add the relationship to join records between them. I have part of the ...

Flash Catalyst dynamic object creation

With flash catalyst is it possible to specify a general object form and get it to place as many objects on the stage as there are in the library? or does one has to use flash builder for that? ...

Is there any way to make the stage for flash catalyst bigger than 4000px width?

Like the title says, can it be made bigger? Do I have to code it in flash builder? ...

How can I override WRAPPER in a Template Toolkit template file?

Is there a way to disabling a WRAPPER that was set in new(\%config), through either the template, or a temporary override with parse()? I want to have a single default WRAPPER (that I'll use for 99.9% of my templates), but exclude a few. I'm doing this all through Catalyst::View::TT just like the example in the configuration synopsis, ...

How can I handle hash keys containing illegal identifier characters in Template Toolkit?

In Template Toolkit, if I have the following variable containing a hashref: [% artist = { 'life-span' => '1975 to 1987', } %] What is the best way to output the data in 'life-span'? I have tried... [% %] ^This fails because of the hyphen. [% artist.'life-span' %] ^This fails because the syntax is in...

How can I set boilerplate information for the files generated by

When I use to auto-generate my application, the AUTHOR section of the POD includes only my name like this. Kiffin Gish,,, What are the missing fields and how can I use them? Is it possible to use another boilerplate for the PODs? ...

How do I use composite key user ids with Catalyst::Plugin:: Authentication::DBI?

What is the most effective to way to make Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication work if the user uesrid is qualified by a domain (i.e. composite key)? Does it support this functionality? I'm looking specifically at using Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::DBI but I'm not opposed to forking, patching, recreating it if it doesn't have the curre...

Flash Catalyst - Export Component to FB

Hi, I'm working on an AIR project using Flash Builder. There's a couple of component that I could see would be easy to generate using Flash Catalyst. I can't see any way to export a Flex component/library (SWC) of some UI elements from Flash Catalyst. All I can see is that I can export an entire project from there and import it as a...

Can I use Catalyst to display images or graphs?

I have simple Perl/CGI scripts based web server which is mainly used to display graphs and images. I am looking to make it more technical and come to know about Catalyst. I have installed all the required Perl modules on my test platform and created an application called myweb. Also, I am going through the Catalyst documents to reach my ...