
Where can I find application runtime errors using Nginx, Starman, Plack and Catalyst?

I have managed successfully to server my Catalyst app on my development machine using Plack + Starman, using a daemon script I based on one I found in Dave Rolsky's Silki distribution. I then set up nginx to reverse proxy to my Starman server, and aliased the static directory for nginx to serve. So far, so good. However, I am at a loss ...

Why does DBIx::Class with multiple inheritance fail on update?

I have a DBIC schema, where all the classes use a common base class, and definition class. The base class loads common components, and overrides the update method in order to record changesets in an audit table. The definition class is a static class generated from the database. A typical class header looks something like: package Schem...

Why do I get many Moose warnings when I start Catalyst?

Hi everyone, I am having an issue (Catalyst related) apparently with Moose/Class::MOP. Starting my server I get the following output... (shown below in all its glory) The alias and excludes options for role application have been renamed -alias and -excludes at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Moose/Meta/Role/ line 26 Moose:...

How should I disable an action via a config file in Catalyst?

I have an controller that has actions that are set up using chained. My chained root action is in my root controller, then my 'section' controller has a 'root' action chained from the root controller's 'root' action. I then have endpoint actions in the 'section' controller class that chain from the 'root' action in the same class: pack...

How can I configure all the Catalyst actions in a given controller using Config::General?

I want to configure all the actions in my controller using my app's config file. According to Catalyst::Controller I can do this in the controller itself: __PACKAGE__->config( action => { '*' => { Chained => 'base', Args => 0 }, }, ); So I tried this in my config: <controller Foo> <action "*"> ...