




I have a problem with understanding the Catalyst MVC framework. I have read a Catalyst book and documentation from CPAN for Catalyst, but I am still a noob and don't understand how to work with this. I am looking for good examples and documentation for Catalyst that describes how to work with classes, databases, and templates.

Maybe someone who has experience with this framework can help me individually? Help could take the form of little jobs and examples, articles, documents etc.

I'm not stupid and not an idiot, it is just that this part (starting with Catalyst) is very hard for me, I don't know why :( sorry.

+4  A: 

You can always turn to the Catalyst mailing list, and, if you want a more personal touch, there is probably a Perl Monger's group near you.

And of course, there is Google.

Chas. Owens
+4  A: 

The Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial is a pretty good walkthrough. There's also a new book due out in June 2009.

Maybe add a link to the Apress site for the book? (It took me a minute to find it, but maybe my Google-Fu is weak this morning.)
slightly reluctant to do that because I'm the primary author and not keen to blow my own trumpet too much ;)
+7  A: 

To get quick, personalized responses you can stop by #catalyst, #dbix-class, #tt, #moose or #perl (depending on your particular problem) at People there are very responsive and know what they're doing.


A Catalyst noob or a perl noob? If you know perl then the best documentation is the code itself.

I know some might find that an annoying answer but it is true and the Catalyst code is beautiful and not hard to grasp once you start digging in.

It is a significant up-front cost but it will pay off tenfold if you plan on doing any extensive development with the framework.

hey, it's an old question , stop set minus . now i'm coding rails and cakephp. i'll never come back to the catalist. THREAD CLOSED