




If a have <c:url value="/article"/> in a jsp, I actually want it to produce http://mysite.com/context/article. Is there any simple way to acheive this?


Yes, use plain html:

<a href="http://mysite.com"&gt;click&lt;/a&gt;

If you want to use the current site's url, just use request.getServerName(), or in jstl - ${request.serverName}

I don't want to hard code the domain as the jsp is used on many sites.
you could've included that detail in the question ;)
Note: the `ServletRequest#getServerName()` only returns the hostname or IP. Not protocol/port.
+1  A: 

Does http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1175587/absolute-url-in-jsp help?

Simon Groenewolt
No despite the name that shows how to create a url relative to the context root, which does not include the domain.
Ah - too bad, I didn't realize that. You can use request.getServerName() to get the servername - so if you know the protocol you should be fine with the combination of that and the linked question.
Simon Groenewolt
And use getServerPort() to get the port.
Simon Groenewolt

There's no simple way. Either hardcode it or output the following:

${fn:replace(pageContext.request.requestURL, pageContext.request.requestURI, '')}${pageContext.request.contextPath}

Cumbersome, but there's no shorter/nicer way when you want to take the protocol and port parts of the URL correctly into account. You can at highest assign ${pageContext.request} to ${r}.

<c:set var="r" value="${pageContext.request}" />

so that you can end up with this

${fn:replace(r.requestURL, r.requestURI, '')}${r.contextPath}

That said, I only fail to see how this requirement is useful/valuable. I always code my webapp-specific links to be relative to the current context or to the HTML <base> tag. Otherwise you'll have to a lot of maintenance when your domain, port and/or even the context changes. Why this requirement?

See also:
