




Hi all,

I have a Blackberry/BES issue that I'm hoping someone might here my be able to shed some light on...

I have inherited a web based application where users can add/modify their Contacts. A VB DLL runs each night that deletes each user's contacts from Exchange server, and then loads all of their contacts from the web app to Exchange server.

Each user's Outlook Contacts folder is displaying their contacts as expected.

However, some users are reporting that some or most or all of their contacts are not appearing on their Blackberrys. And some users are also reporting that they have duplicate contacts on their Blackberry.

As I'm a web developer and not a BES expert, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on why this happens? The DLL deletes and loads circa 50000 contacts each night. Could this be this issue? Is there some sort of queue that the contact updates go into on the BES and some are just not getting through?

Any help would be really appreciated.

Many thanks