I would STRONGLY encourage you to learn the basics of the language first. Frameworks make things easier for people who know how to best utilize them. Imagine if I have a framework for constructing a house. If you are a beginner carpenter you will still make many mistakes, run into many "Hey... how do you do this" moments, use the wrong tools, not follow certain assumed conventions, etc. Learn the basics.
If you want an example of where a framework will kick you in the butt for not knowing your stuff check out Zend_Form in the Zend Framework. You can build a simple form no problem but in real life you will be required to customize many aspects of the form. You will have to extend it yourself to get what you really want. Replace standard buttons with custom ones, change the default error messages, customize the html and css used to display various parts of the form. Make the form as reusable as possible... abstract out certain aspects of it to give it broader usage. Work in some valiation and authorization... you will quickly find yourself in over your head if you don't already have some programming chops.