Out of pure interested, I'm curious how to create PI sequentially so that instead of the number being produced after the outcome of the process, allow the numbers to display as the process itself is being generated. If this is the case, then the number could produce itself, and I could implement garbage collection on previously seen numbers thus creating an infinite series. The outcome is just a number being generated every second that follows the series of Pi.
Here's what I've found sifting through the internets :
This it the popular computer-friendly algorithm, The Machin-like Algorithm :
def arccot(x, unity)
xpow = unity / x
n = 1
sign = 1
sum = 0
loop do
term = xpow / n
break if term == 0
sum += sign * (xpow/n)
xpow /= x*x
n += 2
sign = -sign
def calc_pi(digits = 10000)
fudge = 10
unity = 10**(digits+fudge)
pi = 4*(4*arccot(5, unity) - arccot(239, unity))
pi / (10**fudge)
digits = (ARGV[0] || 10000).to_i
p calc_pi(digits)