Alas, in 11g we still have to handroll our own PL/SQL tokenizers, using SQL types. In 11gR2 Oracle gave us a aggregating function to concatenate results into a CSV string, so perhaps in 12i they will provide the reverse capability.
If you don't want to create a SQL type especially you can use the built-in SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_VC2COLL, like this:
create or replace function string_tokenizer
(p_string in varchar2
, p_separator in varchar2 := ',')
return sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll
return_value SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_VC2COLL;
pattern varchar2(250);
pattern := '[^('''||p_separator||''')]+' ;
select trim(regexp_substr (p_string, pattern, 1, level)) token
bulk collect into return_value
from dual
where regexp_substr (p_string, pattern, 1, level) is not null
connect by regexp_instr (p_string, pattern, 1, level) > 0;
return return_value;
end string_tokenizer;
Here it is in action:
SQL> select * from table (string_tokenizer('one, two, three'))
2 /
Acknowledgement: this code is a variant of some code I found on Tanel Poder's blog.