I'm using the following software stack on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid LTS to connect to a database:
- python 2.6.5 (ubuntu package)
- pyodbc git trunk commit
- unixodbc 2.2.11 (ubuntu package)
- freetds 0.82 (ubuntu package)
- Windows with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (8.0)
I get this error when trying to do native parameter binds in arguments to a SQL SERVER function:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nosklo/devel/testes/sqlfunc.py", line 32, in <module>
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fn_FuncTest(?)", ('test',))
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [FreeTDS][SQL
Server]SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 54 generated fatal exception
c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this
process.\r\n (0) (SQLPrepare)')
Here's the reproduction code:
import pyodbc
constring = 'server=myserver;uid=uid;pwd=pwd;database=db;TDS_Version=8.0;driver={FreeTDS}'
con = pyodbc.connect(constring)
print 'VERSION: ', con.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DBMS_VER)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('DROP FUNCTION fn_FuncTest')
print "Function dropped"
except pyodbc.Error:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_FuncTest (@testparam varchar(4))
RETURNS @retTest TABLE (param varchar(4))
INSERT @retTest
SELECT @testparam
Now the function is created. If I try to call it using a value direct in the query (no native binds of values) it works fine:
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fn_FuncTest('test')")
assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 'test'
However I get the error above when I try to do a native bind (by using a parameter placeholder and passing the value separately):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fn_FuncTest(?)", ('test',))
Further investigation reveals some weird stuff I'd like to relate:
- Everything works fine if I change TDS Version to 4.2 (however,
version report from sql server is wrong -- using TDS version
I get'95.08.0255'
instead of the real version'08.00.0760'
). - Everything works fine for the other two types of functions ->
functions that return a value and functions that are just a SELECT
query (like a view) both work fine. You can even define a new function
that returns the result of a query on the other (broken) function, and
this way everything will work, even when doing native binds on the
parameters. For example:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_tempFunc(@testparam varchar(4)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT * FROM fn_FuncTest(@testparam))
- Connection gets very unstable after this error, you can't recover.
- The error happens when trying to bind any type of data.
How can I pursue this further? I'd like to do native binds to function parameters.