
php + unixODBC + DB2 + DESCRIBE = token not valid?

Code I'm trying to run: $query = "DESCRIBE TABLE TABLENAME"; $result = odbc_exec($h, $query); The result: PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [unixODBC][IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2 UDB]SQL0104 - Token TABLENAME was not valid. Valid tokens: INTO., SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect in ... There were no other problems with S...

DSN-less ODBC Connection to iSeries

I'm running PHP 5.2.4 with ibm_db2 v1.8.0 on Ubuntu 8.04.1 Server. I am trying to hit an IBM iSeries running OS/400 v5R3 but I'm not sure at all how to actually connect without a DSN. I've looked at http://www.connectionstrings.com/ but none of the DB2 or AS/400 connection strings seem to work. All I end up with is: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQ...

Connecting to MS SQL Server using python on linux with 'Windows Credentials'

Is there any way to connect to an MS SQL Server database with python on linux using Windows Domain Credentials? I can connect perfectly fine from my windows machine using Windows Credentials, but attempting to do the same from a linux python with pyodbs + freetds + unixodbc >>import pyodbc >>conn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={FreeTDS};SER...

ODBC Connection to iSeries Giving Odd Number of Results

I'm using UnixODBC with PHP 5.2.4 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and trying to pull all the results from a table sitting on an iSeries and replicate them to a local MySQL table. Code-wise it is working with no errors but I'm ending up with more rows that what is contained on the iSeries. I should end up with 25,613 rows but PHP reports that 25,6...

Microsoft SQL Server Statistics via ODBC

I have an instance of SQL Server that I am trying to benchmark. From the SQL Studio application I can type SET STATISTICS TIME ON and see outputted statistics after that. From C++ code, I can do something like SQLExecDirect(hstmt, "SET STATISTICS TIME ON", SQL_NTS); and then retrieve these statistics via SQLError. Is there a way t...

Haskell, HDBC, ODBC, MySQL and Mac OS X

I'm trying to use Haskell (version 6.10.3) and HDBC to connect to a MySQL Database. I've chosen to do it with Haskell ODBC. I've used cabal to install HDBC (2.1.1) and HDBC-ODBC ( I've downloaded and installed the MySQL ODBC driver (5.1.5). I used macports to install unixODBC (2.2.14_1). All of this on top of Mac OS X (10.5.8). ...

Simplest way to access a DB2 database on iSeries from a Linux (ubuntu) machine?

I would like to run an SQL query on an iSeries (...or "System i" or "AS/400"...) machine as part of a Nagios check, but haven't found a suitable way of interfacing the database yet. IBM suggests using the ODBC driver of System i Access for Linux with unixODBC, but since both systems are new to me, I'd like to know if there are other wa...

Connecting to MS SQL Server 2005 from Mac using Ruby, ODBC and FreeTDS

I'm having trouble connecting to a SQL Server 2005 install from this very simple Ruby app: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'sequel' Sequel.odbc('dev04')['select top 1 * from users'].all The dev04 DSN points to my odbc.ini file entry: [dev04] Driver = FreeTDS Description = ODBC connection via FreeTDS Trace =...

How to get the values of oracle database parameters from a unix development server?

How to get the fallowing details from the unix development server? The below parameter values should be provided in the .dbc file and it should be mapped to the ETL Server . dbms:<br> db_version:<br> db_home: <br> db_name: <br> db_nodes: <br> case: <br> generate_dml_with_nulls:<br> field_type_preference:<br> treat_blanks_as_null:<br> ...

UnixODBC driver support in OSX?

I'm working on a Rails application which I've set up locally on my OSX Machine. However, the app, which typically runs on a Linux box, connects to a proprietary database via unixODBC. The database manufacturer only provides drivers for Linux and Windows. I did some searching around but couldn't figure out what the state of unixODBC is...

CakePHP and connecting to MS Access db using Unixodbc

I'm trying to use an Acces (MDB) database from a CakePHP app. On a Windows machine this works fine. On a Linux machine using Unixodbc this doesn't work at all. The error is as follows: Warning (2): odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver anager]Data ource name not found, and no default driver specified, SQL ...

Locating libdbodbc.so for Sybase on linux

I'm trying to connect to Sybase database from the web server using UnixODBC. Sybase is installed on windows server while the web server is on Unix Server. In order to connect to Sybase I'm using UnixODBC which requires the file libdbodbc.so for Sybase I'm trying to locate this file but I'm unable to find it anywhere. Anyone can tell ...

How can I execute an Oracle procedure using UnixODBC?

I am trying to execute the procedure using execute <procedure_name>('A,'B'), but received an error that the SQL statement cannot be executed. What am I doing wrong? ...

Php/ODBC encoding problem

I use ODBC to connect to SQL Server from PHP. In PHP I read some string (nvarchar column) data from SQL Server and then want to insert it to mysql database. When I try to insert such value to mysql database table I get this mysql error: Incorrect string value: '\xB3\xB9ow...' for column 'name' at row 1 For string with all ASCII chara...

Python - Linux - Connecting to MS SQL with Windows Credentials - FreeTDS+UnixODBC + pyodbc or pymssql

There doesn't seem to be any great instructions for setting this up. Does anyone have any good instructions? I am a linux noob so be gentle. I did see another post that is similar, but no real answer. I have a couple of problems. FreeTDS doesn't "seem" to be working. I am trying to connect and I get the following message using t...

FREETDS and UNIXODBC character converting

hello guys.. ive got an error to fix. its: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted when i use turkish characters to insert i get this error. my question is how can i disable that converting thing? im connecting to sql server via freetds and unixodbc. than...

Upgraded activerecord-sqlserver-adapter from 2.2.22 to 2.3.8 and now getting an ODBC error

I have been using MSSQL 2005 with Rails for quite a while now, and decided to bump my gems up on one of my projects and ran into a problem. I moved from 2.2.22 to 2.3.8 (latest as of writing) and all of a sudden I got this: ODBC::Error: S1090 (0) [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Invalid string or buffer length I'm using a DSN connection wit...

sql server function native parameter bind error

I'm using the following software stack on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid LTS to connect to a database: python 2.6.5 (ubuntu package) pyodbc git trunk commit eb545758079a743b2e809e2e219c8848bc6256b2 unixodbc 2.2.11 (ubuntu package) freetds 0.82 (ubuntu package) Windows with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (8.0) I get this error when trying to do nativ...

Using Azure SQL Services from a Mac?

Azure SQL Services looks pretty cool, and I'd like to use it as a hosted database. I set myself up with a starter web edition database, and after clicking through a million and five EULAs, I got to a console and created a database. It gave me a connection string for ODBC, and for ADO.NET. I'm using a Mac, with 10.6. What are my options?...

Problem with MySQL driver for unixODBC on Debian Lenny

Hi, On OpenSuse 11.2, I successfully compiled, linked, and ran the following code which installs a data source for a MySQL database with unixODBC: #include <iostream> #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #include <odbcinst.h> /* Add a data source for the following MySQL db: db=testdb, username=test, password = test. */ void inst() { ...