
Why doesn't DBD::Sybase's Makefile.PL find freetds?

I'm having trouble trying to install DBD::Sybase on Redhat. Perl version is 5.8.8 and it is the 64-bit version. When I set the SYBASE env variable to the freetds libs in /usr (the rpm puts libtds in /usr/lib64), it gives the following error message $ perl ./Makefile.PL Can't find any Sybase libraries in /usr/lib at ./Makefile.PL line ...

Connecting to MS SQL Server from PHP on Linux

I need to connect to a MS SQL Server on Windows from PHP running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. I have installed FreeTDS and I can connect to the database using the tsql command. My current PHP does not have the mssql functions/extension. My question is, how do I set up the mssql extension without rebuilding PHP? Is there a prebuilt pa...

Connecting to MS SQL Server using python on linux with 'Windows Credentials'

Is there any way to connect to an MS SQL Server database with python on linux using Windows Domain Credentials? I can connect perfectly fine from my windows machine using Windows Credentials, but attempting to do the same from a linux python with pyodbs + freetds + unixodbc >>import pyodbc >>conn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={FreeTDS};SER...

using pyodbc on ubuntu to insert a image field on SQL Server

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 I have installed the following package versions: unixodbc and unixodbc-dev: 2.2.11-16build3 tdsodbc: 0.82-4 libsybdb5: 0.82-4 freetds-common and freetds-dev: 0.82-4 python2.6-dev I have configured /etc/unixodbc.ini like this: [FreeTDS] Description = TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL) Driver = /usr...

Sybase::TdsServer / MS-SQL emulation

Hello to All MSSSQL/Perl guru's, I want to emulate MSSQL/TDS-Server , so my 'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio' (windows client) could SQL-SELECT(only READ) some distributed data that sits on Linux machines using regular-SQL query or linked-server ( and that's why i cannot use OLE DB Providers and their friends , i also cann...

I need to get FreeTDS drivers so I can install Perl's DBD::Sybase, but is down. What can I do?

I need to get FreeTDS drivers so I can install Perl's DBD::Sybase, but is down. What can I do? ...

How to run Django on Windows and cope with Apache not having a daemon mode?

Evolution of this question This started as an attempt to find other recommendations for running Django on Linux, accessing SQL Server via Django-PyODBC, and supporting Unicode as competently as in installations running Django on Windows. After failing to materialize with a good solution for ODBC drivers in Linux that would provide the ...

FreeTDS Bad token from the server (sql-server)

Today we had a lot more activity than normal between our Rails app and our remote legacy MS-SQL Server 2005 database, and we started getting the error below intermittently. Any ideas what it is + how to prevent (besides avoiding the situation, which we're working on :) Error Message: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: DBI::DatabaseError: ...

How do odbc (or mysql) resources work in php?

When you run a query like so: $query = "SELECT * FROM table"; $result = odbc_exec($dbh, $query); while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)) { print_r($row); } Does the resource stored in $result point to data that exists on the server running php? Or is pointing to data in the database? Put another way, as the while loop does it's...

Django <-> SQL Server 2005, text encoding problem

Hello, I'm trying to store Django data on MS SQL Server 2005 using: (pyodbc + FreeTDS) As long as I'm storing string consist of ASCII characters everything is ok. When I'm using unicode (ex. '\xc5\x82'), django throws ProgrammingError on: ProgrammingError at /admin/cli/punktrejestracji/add/ ('4...

Freetds forbidding connection when run as sudo

I have a rails app that uses freetds to establish an ODBC connection into a SQL Server Database. This app is on a server running under mongrel, in theory. If I start the app with: sudo mongrel_rails start -e development -p 9000 -d I get S1000 (0) [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source However, when run w...

ODBC query on MS SQL Server returning first 255 characters only in PHP PDO (FreeTDS)

I'm currently trying to pull some data from a SQL Server database view that we have restricted access to from our Linux web server. We don't need to edit the data just display it in a webpage. It all looks fine until we try to output and only get the first 255 characters of a text field. Does anyone know if this is a problem with usin...

Restart of anything needed after changes to freetds.conf?

After changing the freetds.conf file, do I need to restart anything to see the changes in running ODBC queries from PHP? ...

SSL over TDS, SQL Server 2005 Express

I capture packets sent/received by Win Xp machine when connecting to SQL Server 2005 Express using TLS encryption. Server and Client exchange Hello messages Server and Client send ChangeCipherSpec message Then Server and Client server send strange message that is not described in TLS protocol What is the message? Server side captu...

FreeTDS runs out of memory from DBD::Sybase

When I add client charset = UTF-8 to my freetds.conf file, my DBD::Sybase program emits: Out of memory! and terminates. This happens when I call execute() on an SQL query statement that returns any ntext fields. I can return numeric data, datetimes, and nvarchars just fine, but whenever one of the output fields is ntext, I get th...

Django-pyodbc SQL Server/freetds server connection problems on linux

Error: ('IM002', '[IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified (0) (SQLDriverConnectW)') I'm migrating from developing on a windows development machine to Linux machine in production and I'm having issues with the freetds driver. As far as I can tell that error message means it ...

Python - Linux - Connecting to MS SQL with Windows Credentials - FreeTDS+UnixODBC + pyodbc or pymssql

There doesn't seem to be any great instructions for setting this up. Does anyone have any good instructions? I am a linux noob so be gentle. I did see another post that is similar, but no real answer. I have a couple of problems. FreeTDS doesn't "seem" to be working. I am trying to connect and I get the following message using t...

FREETDS and UNIXODBC character converting

hello guys.. ive got an error to fix. its: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted when i use turkish characters to insert i get this error. my question is how can i disable that converting thing? im connecting to sql server via freetds and unixodbc. than...

sqlalchemy date type in 0.6 migration using mssql

I'm connection to mssql server through pyodbc, via FreeTDS odbc driver, on linux ubuntu 10.04. Sqlalchemy 0.5 uses DATETIME for sqlalchemy.Date() fields. Now Sqlalchemy 0.6 uses DATE, but sql server 2000 doesn't have a DATE type. How can I make DATETIME be the default for sqlalchemy.Date() on sqlalchemy 0.6 mssql+pyodbc dialect? I'd l...

sql server function native parameter bind error

I'm using the following software stack on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid LTS to connect to a database: python 2.6.5 (ubuntu package) pyodbc git trunk commit eb545758079a743b2e809e2e219c8848bc6256b2 unixodbc 2.2.11 (ubuntu package) freetds 0.82 (ubuntu package) Windows with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (8.0) I get this error when trying to do nativ...