



I'm having trouble trying to install DBD::Sybase on Redhat. Perl version is 5.8.8 and it is the 64-bit version. When I set the SYBASE env variable to the freetds libs in /usr (the rpm puts libtds in /usr/lib64), it gives the following error message

$ perl ./Makefile.PL
Can't find any Sybase libraries in /usr/lib at ./Makefile.PL line 121, <IN> line 44.

Any idea of why it will not find the 64-bit libs in /usr/lib64 and wants to try to use /usr/lib?

+2  A: 

Checking the bug listing on CPAN, it looks like this is a bug in the module, and there is a patch available. See bug report 27237.

Adam Bellaire
Yes, this is what the problem is. Thanks!
Dan Littlejohn