
how to clear the wireshark filter combo contents

Does anyone know how to clear the filter drop down (combo) contents in Wireshark? Are the contents stored in a file somewhere? For the life of me, I can't figure this out. And, the Wireshark help file only tells me "The entries in the pull down list will remain available even after a program restart." ...

django drop down menu public template error

Hello, My public template grabs data from Postgres to a drop down menu. The template displays the data in the drop down menu. When the selection is activated the following error occurs: commodity() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) The template code, views and URL are here: Thank you, Ana ...

php dropdown menu population

I'm trying to write a php script that will populate a second drop down menu based on the selection of the a primary drop down menu. i would like to use jquery to do all the non-page refresh stuff. but every thing that i find that exists out there is hard to understand and modify, do you know of anything that was well written and easy to ...

DB down on executing delete query

Hi All, Is there a possibility that a simple delete query can bring down a DB? We executed a delete query (single row deletion) and that query hung. When multiple people tried executing the same delete again, the Oracle DB is down. Multiple tables reference this table and a cascade delete was not used. Should a cascade delete have bee...

Editable Dropdown?

I have a php page with 4 text boxes, each need a "drop down" when the text boxes have the focus. Clicking the options would populate the (editable) text box(es) and close the drop down. The text boxes are of course part of html forms. How can I do this inline with javascript or ajax using minimal code? ...

I need to get FreeTDS drivers so I can install Perl's DBD::Sybase, but is down. What can I do?

I need to get FreeTDS drivers so I can install Perl's DBD::Sybase, but is down. What can I do? ...

jQuery getting value from a drop down selected

hi, traditionally we write var value = $("#drop-down-id").val(); to get the value. IN my case, some of the options contains multiple words with spaces like "Allow All","Internet Users" etc. What I am getting in VALUE is only "Allow" that is, jquery is trimming off words after the white space.. Is there any other way to solve this? ...

javascript if drop down selected then set value of text box

Hi I've spent some time searching around for this, but can't seem to get it all worked out. I have a shipping drop down and I want to split off the type of shipping and the amount selected and put them into two separate hidden fields. (I am using text fields at the moment for easier testing) For example- if they choose from the first ...

why do my select boxes reset after appending a new one?

For once, I am getting the intended results in IE6, but not FF (or Chrome). I have a select box (listing locations) which is dynamically generated using JS. I have a button that allows the user to add more of the select boxes, so they can choose more than one location. When the JS code adds the new select box, the already present sele...

drop down menu padding problem in IE

Hello, I have checked this in IE8 and its compatible mode, in firefox this code is working fine but in IE its not indenting as expected. The code is below: Please help! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; c...

Is it possible to set hippie-expand to show up code in a dropdrown menu in Emacs?

Is it possible to set hippie-expand to have a dropdown menu in Emacs? Or does Emacs have any completion/expansion system with dropdown menu? PS: Already tried Company and Auto Complete plugins but their interfere too much with others plugins. ...

Catching mouseDown events of subviews. (Cocoa osx)

I have a series of nested views and I need to catch the mouseDown event ant do the same thing when any of these views are selected. Is there a way to tell a superview to handle events for its subviews? Is the best way to handle this to put a transparent view on top of all my other views and have this view handle the events? ...

jquery hover on one ul at a time

I have my drop menu sliding down nicely but it does it on all ul's in my navigation. I need it to drop the menu for only the hovered ul.I tried to use the "this" element but don't know enough about jQuery to get it to work. Anyone??? Here's the HTML page (edited for simplicity) <div id="main-nav"> <ul><h1><a href="index.cfm">About U...

ASP.NET Validator Controls Slowing Down Page

Hi all, I have an UpdatePanel that has user controls dynamically added to it. There can be a few dozen user controls at times. The page / UpdatePanel slows down big time on each postback as more user controls are added. After some digging, I was surprised to find the cause is the various CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RegularExpres...

php multiple select drop down

here is my mysql and php code layout: I have 3 tables tableA stores unique "person" information tableB stores unique "places" information tableC stores not unique information about a person and places they have "beenTo". here is how i layed out my form: -one big form to insert into "person" tableA; "beenTo" tableC in the form, a per...

editable dropdown in jquery.

i have a requirement where in the name of the patient will be searched by the doctor ..there may be multiple patients with same name when he starts searching he must get a drop down of all the patients with matching names he has typed.and he must be able to select from it and he must be still able to type new new search and drop...

retain drop down value page posting back to itself

I have an aspx page that has... if (!IsPostBack) { PopulateBrand(); in the Page_Load. This PopulateBrand() simply populates my drop down. That works great and on post back it retains the value. The problem I'm having is that there is also a link on the page that is posting back some parameters to this page. What is h...

ASP DROP DOWN list, onchage event doesn,t work

if i use onchange=return fn1(), in client side even the fn1 return false it automatically fired the server side onselectedindexchange event,How i can i stop the server side event if the script fn1 return false... ...

Flash Application Slows Down [removeChild]

Hi everyone, I have a problem with my flash application because after a while that it is running, it eventually starts to slow down. My application involves something that needs to be replicated with the addChild() method. I've read some info on the internet which states that the cause of the slowing down or the lag in the application i...

Silverlight 4 dropdown control

I am trying to create a drop down control that is made up of a text box a button and a treeview control. I can not really find any tutorials on how to create a custom drop down control. I did find a user control that drops down a treeview control (vectorlight), but I want to implement my own custom drop down control. Any help would be gr...