I'm a newbie at using the STL Algorithms and am currently stuck on a syntax error. My overall goal of this is to filter the source list like you would using Linq in c#. There may be other ways to do this in C++, but I need to understand how to use algorithms.
My user-defined function object to use as my function adapter is
struct is_Selected_Source : public std::binary_function<SOURCE_DATA *, SOURCE_TYPE, bool>
bool operator()(SOURCE_DATA * test, SOURCE_TYPE ref)const
if (ref == SOURCE_All)
return true;
return test->Value == ref;
And in my main program, I'm using as follows -
typedef std::list<SOURCE_DATA *> LIST;
LIST; *localList = new LIST;;
LIST* msg = GLOBAL_DATA->MessageList;
SOURCE_TYPE _filter_Msgs_Source = SOURCE_TYPE::SOURCE_All;
std::remove_copy(msg->begin(), msg->end(), localList->begin(),
std::bind1st(is_Selected_Source<SOURCE_DATA*, SOURCE_TYPE>(), _filter_Msgs_Source));
What I'm getting the following error in Rad Studio 2010. The error means "Your source file used a typedef symbol where a variable should appear in an expression. "
"E2108 Improper use of typedef 'is_Selected_Source'"
Edit - After doing more experimentation in VS2010, which has better compiler diagnostics, I found the problem is that the definition of remove_copy only allows uniary functions. I change the function to uniary and got it to work.