I'm trying to configure my cross compiler (mipseb-linux-g++) to generate binaries with the MIPSI ISA. There is a flag for this "-mips1". I have this flag in my make file and for some reason g++ is still generating MIPSII instructions (which I assume is default?). Am I doing anything wrong? Here's my process flow:
- write c++ program
- compile using mipseb-linux-g++
- generate a hex dump with mipseb-linux-objdump
- look in HEX dump to see if there are any MIPS II instructions (like beqzl)
Here is my makefile:
# \author [email protected]
# \version 0.01
# \brief
# Environment variables which should already be set in your path
# ACC_PATH ?= $(shell `pwd | awk 'BEGIN{FS="benchmarks/acc"} {print $1}'`)
# BENCHDIR ?= $(ACC_PATH)/benchmarks
XTOOLSPREFIX ?= /home/seas/grad/dasnyder/cmplrs
# Compiler and linker
CC = $(XTOOLSPREFIX)/bin/mipseb-linux-gcc
CXX = $(XTOOLSPREFIX)/bin/mipseb-linux-g++
LD = $(XTOOLSPREFIX)/bin/mipseb-linux-gcc
AR = $(XTOOLSPREFIX)/bin/mipseb-linux-ar
RANLIB = $(XTOOLSPREFIX)/bin/mipseb-linux-ranlib
# Common compiler flags
CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fsched-interblock \
-finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops \
-mips1 -mabi=32 -mtune=r2000 -static -Wa,-non_shared \
-mno-abicalls -fno-PIC -freduce-all-givs \
-I. -I$(XTOOLSPREFIX)/mipseb-linux/include
# C++ flags
CXXFLAGS = ${CFLAGS} -I$(XTOOLSPREFIX)/mipseb-linux/include/c++/3.2 \
-I$(XTOOLSPREFIX)/mipseb-linux/include/c++/3.2/mips-linux-gnu \
-mips1 -mabi=32 -mtune=r2000 -msoft-float -funroll-loops \
# Common linker flags
# LDFLAGS = -Wl,--script=$(SESCSOURCEDIR)/src/libapp/mint.x \
# -L$(SESCBUILDDIR)/obj/mipseb_obj -L$(XTOOLSPREFIX)/mipseb-linux/lib
LDFLAGS = -L$(XTOOLSPREFIX)/mipseb-linux/lib -lstdc++ -lm
# Common libs
# Common definitions
# Emacs tags