If I try to add jqote2 variable declaration into struts2 tablig, such as name attribute. For "<" and ">" character, struts2 will escape them into < and > to client browser, and make jqote2 unable to locate variable defined in struts2 tag attribute, example below:
<script type="text/html" id="priceRowTemplate">
<s:select name="alist[<%= this.index%>].field1"
listKey="toString()" listValue="caption" />
<td><input value="<%= this.priceOfAdult%>"/></td>
<td><input value="<%= this.priceOfKid%>"/></td>
even I use <s:select name="%{'alist[<%= this.index%>].field1'}"...
, the result is still the same.
Here is the string response to client
<select name="alist[<%= this.index%>].field1">..</select>
Anyone knows how to tell Struts2 not to escape HTML tag? thanks a lot.