I've created a connection point interface _IPlayerEvents.
I've added a couple of methods
I've built the project, and VS2008 has generated code in the CProxy_IPlayerEvents class:
HRESULT Fire_OnConnect(){...}
HRESULT Fire_OnDisconnect() {...}
Now I've added a further method to the _IPlayerEvents interface
OnMessage([out, retval]BSTR* pbstrMessage)
When I build, no code is added to the CProxy_IPlayerEvents class for the OnMessage function - I'd expected that VS2008 would generate:
HRESULT Fire_OnMessage(BSTR* pbstrMessage){...}
I'd prefer to avoid having to update the CProxy_IPlayerEvents manually if I could.
How can I force VS2008 to regenerate the CProxy_IPlayerEvents class?