


+1  Q: 

Ninject Intercept

from what dll can i get the extension of Intercept ? I've added Ninject.Extensions.Interception from No luck there. Is there some sample working ?

What I need is to make an interceptor that will path through from WcfClient to WcfServer a different functions with different parameters , that way I wouldn't have to implement already implemented functions behind the WcfServer code. So the the signature of the function I've already implemented is -

public static T InvokeService<T>(MethodInfo MethodName, Type genericType, Type BlClass, params object[] ParamList)

What it does is activates the Method by BlClass and sends to it the ParamList . I'd like to make an Interceptor that will dynamically fill the parameters while addressing the WcfServer side . But first how can I get access to the Intercept extension in my ninjectModule?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide :)

p.s. Tried out :

using Ninject.Extensions.Interception;


using Ninject.Core;
using Ninject.Core.Interception;