
Ninject Intercept

from what dll can i get the extension of Intercept ? I've added Ninject.Extensions.Interception from No luck there. Is there some sample working ? What I need is to make an interceptor that will path through from WcfClient to WcfServer a different functions with different...

Ninject: Method not getting intercepted in Silverlight

Hi All I use Ninject for DI in Silverlight app. Now I am trying to implement interception and having issue. My methhod is not getting intercepted. Below is sample implementation public class InfrastructureModule : NinjectModule { public override void Load() { Bind<IGlobalEventManager>().To<GlobalEventManager>().InSingle...

ninject mvc and wcf

Ninject has extentions for mvc and wcf but in our case mvc application is hosting wcf as well. How do u go about using both, looks like both extention provides base class for httpapplication(global.aspx), What is the correct way of using it? At this moment looks like i need to grab pieces out of wcf extention and put it in mvc extenti...

Ninject.Web.Mvc add-on not working with ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm using the Ninject.Web.Mvc (the MVC 2 version) add-on with ASP.NET MVC 2. This is an excerpt of my Global.asax.cs: protected override void OnApplicationStarted() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes; // RegisterAllControllersIn() is not available in the MVC 2 version of Ninject } protec...

How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it)

Sorry in advance for the long question, it's long because I've been digging at this all day. The general problem: I have an ASP.Net MVC2 application with the following projects: MyApp.Web, MyApp.Services, MyApp.Data. We code to interfaces and utilize Ninject 2 for DI/IoC. However, I'm getting awfully tired of typing (and forgetting ...