I have two linked SQL servers and i am trying to issue an update on the other server but am getting an error "Statement(s) could not be prepared.", followed by "Must declare the scalar variable "@Shipper_Nbr""
The syntax i am using is:
update DBSERVER.DBNAME.DBO.TABLE set Field = @Value WHERE ID = @id
What is the correct way to do this?
I tried using a stored procedure and get the same result. Also, i noticed additional information. The syntax checks out, i only get the error when i attempt to save the stored procedure. Also, i noticed the error also states "OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WARSQLVS01" returned message "Deferred prepare could not be completed."."
ACK - i figured it out. It was a separate line where i was trying to pass the parameter from within OPENQUERY select statement. Sorry about that! :-\