



As Far as I can tell no one has actually solved this debacle. How do you get a mac mini to power on every time the UPS it is connected to restores power? It is easy enough to have the UPS communicate that power is about to turn off so have the mac run the command halt -u, or shutdown -h -u, etc, and many solutions such as powerchute from APC guarantee that it will shutdown etc. But it is not guaranteed that the mac will turn back on. If this bit/ file was permanently set so mac the mac believed that it dirty shutdown every time, whatever hardware is responsible for the power sensing of the power restored would always boot the mac when power is restored, even if the mini was powered off during while it booted. Currently if your mini powers off without dirty shutdown being set you are boned, and you must physically press the power button on the back for it to restart, which is unacceptable if the mini is says 5000 miles away or at the bottom of the ocean. You should be able to get this functionality even if no UPS is involved just by having the mac always try to reboot when power is restored. Has anyone ever figured this out?

+2  A: 

Have you checked the setting in the Energy Saver preference panel?

System Preferences
  -> Energy Saver
     -> Options
        -> Restart automatically after a power failure

Or see man pmset:

$ pmset -a autorestart 1
Ned Deily
This answer is not correct this only works if the mac has the power cut, not in the case of a proper shut down which would require shutdown -h u to restore power from a g3 power state. more here Thanks for the effort though
Oh, I see. Back in the old days, Macs with ADBs had power buttons on the keyboard and so there were small third-party boxes that could be plugged into an ADB port and signal a hardware power on - something lost in the move to industry-standard USB keyboards.
Ned Deily