I'm traversing a text file line by line adjusting the text so that the file eventually will match the syntax required to be run on a MIPS simulator (MARS). My issue is that whenever I see a line with the string "blezl" in it, I want to do several things. First I need to insert some lines of text following the line containing this word. That's easy enough using insert. I then have to insert some lines of text after the line that originally followed the found line. The problem is, I need to then search the entire document for a string that was at the end of the found string and then insert a few lines before any lines that contain the 2nd string found. So..
#1 blezl v0,#10
#2 addu s1,s0,s5
#3 lw v1,0(s8)
#10 addu s1,s0,s5
i need to find "blezl", and then I insert some lines between "#1" and "#2". Then I insert some lines between "#2" and "#3", and then I need to search the entire document for "#10" and when I find any, I insert some lines before it. The problem is that the last step requires that I search the entire document (in the middle of traversing line by line until blezl was found). This is because "#10" could occur anywhere before or after "#1". This is going to take forever (there are 80k lines in my file and probably about 2% of them have "blezl" in them.) How can I do this without the massive redundant step?