



I am attempting to create a View in PhpPgAdmin (PostGreSQL db) which has the following SQL statement:

DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myTable.error IS NULL;

PhpPgAdmin gives me the following error:

ERROR: syntax error at or near "DELETE" at character 59 In statement: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "Schema1"."Delete empty errors" AS DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myTable.error IS NULL;

As far as I can tell this SQL statement is valid, and I have delete privileges for the table. Is the DELETE statement not allowed in Views? Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

+4  A: 

Views are used to display the data from SELECT statements only (usually when the SELECT is complex). Views cannot contain DELETES, UPDATES, or INSERTS.

Perhaps you want a function?

EDIT: As OMG Ponies points out, you can have updateable views, but thats where you would issue a DELETE to an existing view and then use a RULE to rewrite the query as a DELETE.

And please, please don't wrap a function call to do a DELETE as a side effect in a view. Its unexpected and Jesus shoots a puppy every time this happens.

Postgres does support updatable views via rules:
OMG Ponies
And a function call can be wrapped inside a view.
Frank Heikens
OK, you can have updatable views using rules, and can wrap a function call inside a view, but I've never seen a plain DELETE inside a view
While, yes, you can have updateable views, it didn't really appear to be what was required. He wasn't trying to DELETE from a view, he was trying to create a view that is a delete....which is different.
Actually you are correct, I need to use a function. I'm just trying to execute a one time task to clean up a large dataset. So I took your advice and created a Function, but there doesn't seem to be a way to execute the function from within PhpPgAdmin. What is recommended for this sort of thing?
Ted N
select call_your_function_here();