



Hi guys,

I have an audio app which uses the RemoteIO AudioUnit. It works fine on iPhone, iPad, and any flavor of the simulator on 3.2, but when it hits AudioOutputUnitStart (), it freezes. I get the message "AddRunningClient starting device on non-zero client count" in the console, which I'm not sure how to resolve. I stop the unit and dispose of the AudioComponent every time the app closes. The app works fine the first time I run after restarting everything, but freezes every time after that. What's strange is there are no error messages - just an unresponsive interface and a frozen line of code.

Thanks for your help.



I also experienced the same thing. When I'm about to play mp3 file it starts to freez and in the console displays the odd message "AddRunningClient starting device on non-zero client count" about half seconds then the app continues and plays the sound. This only happens when i set to symulator to 4.0 but when set to 3.2 the app runs fine.

Anyone has an explanation for this? Am I doing anything wrong?


i am having the same issue. Anyone knows why ?


I'm having the same issue, do you guys have a fix yet?


I'm having this too. Works fine in 3.2 simulator then I test in 4.0 simulator and the app seems to pause for a second or so then I get the message and it continues again. It's only possible to have one instance of the player able to be loaded ever in my app so not sure if the multiple players explanation from an Apple engineer (mentioned above) adds up, but I'm new to this caper :)
