I have a very classical class which contains buttons and label, etc... :
@interface ExerciseViewController : UIViewController {
// Hardcoding for outlets to XIB file
// Outlets can be passed only as singe variables in Interface Builder.
// Therefore, we can only declare stupid variables, not arrays of buttons.
// Bid array
// Labels S,W,N,E
IBOutlet UILabel *labelSouth;
IBOutlet UILabel *labelWest;
IBOutlet UILabel *labelNorth;
IBOutlet UILabel *labelEast;
Of course, all those properties retain:
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *labelSouth;
I just would like to know if I must release all those items in the dealloc method of my class:
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
// Release all GUI objects;
So, should I take all my properties and send a release to each of them? I tend to believe yes, but I prefer to ask.
Regards, Apple92