



I keep getting an error like this: Sass::SyntaxError: Properties aren't allowed at the root of a document. on line 2 of /Users/eumir/rails_apps/neo2/public/stylesheets/sass/ main.sass

main.sass's line 2 starts with

@import mixins 

I have a _mixins.sass which has a variable declaration on line 2:

$alt_site_color: #060 
$main_site_color: #ff9900 

so i was really stumped as to what was making the error happen. I tried changing the placing of the variables 4 lines down and i got

Sass::SyntaxError: Properties aren't allowed at the root of a document. on line 6 of /Users/eumir/rails_apps/neo2/public/stylesheets/sass/ main.sass

so I tried deleting the variable declarations and the error stopped appearing. What's wrong with my variable declaration?

Also, I keep trying to compile the sass file by using sass --watch and sass public/stylesheets/main.sass and i get no errors. BUT when i view it in my browser, the error appears. What seems to be the problem?

*note: I have also already uninstalled all my other versions of sass(im upgrading from haml2.2.22 to haml 3). I am also using the old indented yml style syntax so im veering away from doing the sass2convert thing as much as possible.



Looks like I had 2 haml folders in my vendor plugins(haml and haml2.2.22) deleted both of them and it worked(so im obviously using my own gem(haml 3.o)

I guess I'll just have to vendorize it again. Still, I'm very curious as to what that error was about though
