Hi, I need some help building an Query. I have a table "Orders" with 3 fields (IDorder, IDcostumer and amount) and i'm trying to create an List where i add one row for each costumer with the total of amount.
Can someone help me building this query?
Hi, I need some help building an Query. I have a table "Orders" with 3 fields (IDorder, IDcostumer and amount) and i'm trying to create an List where i add one row for each costumer with the total of amount.
Can someone help me building this query?
Try the following:
SELECT IDCustomer, SUM(amount)
FROM Orders
Thanks for the answer. With your query i've tried to joined another table and converted it to LINQ with linqer. The final code was:
from c in contexto.Costumers
join s in contexto.Sales on c.IDcostumer equals s.IDCostumer
group new {c, s} by new {
} into g
select new {
IDcostumer = (Int32?)g.Key.IDcostumer,
total = (Decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.s.total)
Unfortunately i haven't understand yet the meaning of group and how it works. I'll read a few articles to try to understand it.
Thanks ;)