I have tried to read the main application via several methodes but i got nothing back Using NSFileHandle it returns nothing with the folowing code :
NSFilemanager *filemanager = [ filemanager defaultmanager ] ;
NSString *myfile = [ [ NSBundle mainBundle ] bundlePath ] ;
if ( [ filemanager isReadableFileAtPath:myfile ] )
NSLog(@" myfile is readable ") ;
if ( [ filemanager isWritableFileAtPath:myfile ])
NSLog(@"myfile is wrieable ") ;
NSFileHandle *filehandle= [ NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:myfile ] ;
if (myfile == nil) {
[ filehandle closeFile ] ;
}else {
NSData *filedata = [ filehandle readDataToEndOfFile ] ;
NSString *filestrdata = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithData:filedata encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ] ;
NSLog(@"string data \n %@ " , filedata) ;
But i got nothing back so my question is is it possible to access executable files for reading-writing and if yes how could we done that ? Thank you