


+1  A: 

I'm not sure that I completely understand what you're trying to do, but I think that you need to move your criteria into the LEFT OUTER JOINs. If you put it in the WHERE clause then if no match is found by the LEFT OUTER JOIN, those columns will appear as NULL and so they will fail the WHERE clause check. You are in effect turning the LEFT OUTER JOIN into an INNER JOIN.

    dbo.Accomplishment AS a
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentType AS at ON
    at.Id = a.AccomplishmentTypeId
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentArea AS aal ON
    aal.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Area AS al ON
    al.Id = aal.AreaId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserAccomplishment AS ua ON
    ua.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.[User] AS u ON
    u.Id = ua.UserId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uug ON
    uug.UserId = u.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ug ON
    ug.Id = uug.UserGroupId AND
    ug.localid = 2
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugt ON
    ugt.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo ON
    uugo.UserId = u.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ugo ON
    ugo.Id = uugo.UserGroupId AND
    ugo.localid <> 2
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugto ON
    ugto.Id = ugo.UserGroupTypeId
    ugto.localid = 4
    a.DateCreated DESC, u.LastName, u.FirstName, u.Id, UserGroupName
Tom H.
This is super close, I am now getting 9 results, but I should be getting 5. It now includes accomplishment 3, but it also includes extra rows for accomplishment 1 and 2. One where the column that has group C and D (in my example) is null, and one where the that column is showing a group that is of usergrouptype 3 (which shouldn't be showing). Any further suggestions?
Ok, I think I see what you're looking for. Some of your criteria should be in the JOINs and some should not. I don't know if I have captured exactly what you're looking for, but maybe it's closer. It might help if you provided (simplified) scripts to create the tables and insert sample data.
Tom H.
Ahh edited version now is back down to 4 rows again and not including accomplishment 3. Damn this is frustrating

Here's what I re-wrote so far:

SELECT a.Id, a.DateCreated, a.DateModified, a.LastUpdatedBy, a.AccomplishmentTypeId, 
       a.Title, a.Description, a.ApplicableDate, a.LocalId, 
       at.Name AS AccomplishmentTypeName, a.Name AS AreaName, u.FirstName, 
       u.LastName, ug.Name AS UserGroupName, ugo.Name AS OtherUserGroupName
  FROM dbo.Accomplishment a 
  JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentType AS at ON at.Id = a.AccomplishmentTypeId 
  JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentArea AS aal ON aal.AccomplishmentId = a.Id 
  JOIN dbo.Area AS al ON al.Id = aal.AreaId 
  JOIN dbo.UserAccomplishment AS ua ON ua.AccomplishmentId = a.Id 
  JOIN dbo.[User] AS u ON u.Id = ua.UserId 
  JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uug ON uug.UserId = u.Id 
  JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugt ON ugt.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId 
  JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ug ON ug.Id = uug.UserGroupId 
  JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugto ON ugto.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId
 ORDER BY a.DateCreated DESC, u.LastName, u.FirstName, u.Id, UserGroupName

You've got a redundant join to UserUserGroup, and your joins to UserGroup can be consolidated because the LEFT JOIN criteria would cancel out what's done in the previous join to the same table.

OMG Ponies
This won't work because then there is only one column for the UserGroup, but I've got different UserGroups meaning different things depending on the type, in the select, .ugo is nothing now.
Also you need the second UserUserGroup, otherwise as you say it does cancel it out, but with the second UserUserGroup, it won't.
+1  A: 

You have made a classic mistake when learning left joins, you put conditions in the where clause that turn them into inner joins

Try this

SELECT     a.Id, a.DateCreated, a.DateModified, a.LastUpdatedBy, a.AccomplishmentTypeId, a.Title,
a.Description, a.ApplicableDate,  a.LocalId, at.Name AS AccomplishmentTypeName, 
a.Name AS AreaName, u.FirstName, u.LastName, ug.Name AS UserGroupName, ugo.Name AS OtherUserGroupName 
FROM        dbo.Accomplishment AS a 
INNER JOIN  dbo.AccomplishmentType AS at ON at.Id = a.AccomplishmentTypeId 
INNER JOIN  dbo.AccomplishmentArea AS aal ON aal.AccomplishmentId = a.Id 
INNER JOIN  dbo.Area AS al ON al.Id = aal.AreaId 
INNER JOIN  dbo.UserAccomplishment AS ua ON ua.AccomplishmentId = a.Id 
INNER JOIN  dbo.[User] AS u ON u.Id = ua.UserId 
INNER JOIN  dbo.UserUserGroup AS uug ON uug.UserId = u.Id 
INNER JOIN  dbo.UserGroup AS ug ON ug.Id = uug.UserGroupId 
INNER JOIN  dbo.UserGroupType AS ugt ON ugt.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId 
INNER JOIN  dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo ON uugo.UserId = u.Id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.UserGroup AS ugo ON ugo.Id = uugo.UserGroupId  AND ugo.LocalId <> 2
LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.UserGroupType AS ugto ON ugto.Id = ugo.UserGroupTypeId  AND ugto.LocalId = 4
WHERE     ug.LocalId = 2 
ORDER BY a.DateCreated DESC, u.LastName, u.FirstName, u.Id, UserGroupName 

see this link for an explanation of this:

Same result as from Tom H.'s answer, 9 rows, instead of 5. See the comment for a full explanation.
+2  A: 

@ChaosPandion's comment about reformatting is a good idea, but perhaps you need some help understanding what good formatting is. Well, it's probably different for everyone :-) but if I was writing your query I'd format it as follows:

          at.Name AS AccomplishmentTypeName,
          a.Name AS AreaName,
          ug.Name AS UserGroupName,  
          ugo.Name AS OtherUserGroupName 
FROM dbo.Accomplishment AS a
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentType AS at
  ON at.Id = a.AccomplishmentTypeId
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentArea AS aal
  ON aal.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Area AS al
  ON al.Id = aal.AreaId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserAccomplishment AS ua
  ON ua.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.[User] AS u
  ON u.Id = ua.UserId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uug
  ON uug.UserId = u.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ug
  ON ug.Id = uug.UserGroupId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugt
  ON ugt.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo
  ON uugo.UserId = u.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ugo
  ON ugo.Id = uugo.UserGroupId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugto
  ON ugto.Id = ugo.UserGroupTypeId 
WHERE ug.LocalId = 2 AND
      ugo.LocalId <> 2 AND
      ugto.LocalId = 4
ORDER BY a.DateCreated DESC,

I think this formatting makes it easier to read.

Share and enjoy.

Bob Jarvis
Thanks Bob, I will take remember this, as I do agree this is easier, I just got used to my above formatting because SQL management studio converts it to the above format everytime, so I just grew used to it. It would be great it I could turn that auto formatting off ><.
I indent similarly, except that I usually indent the JOIN lines so FROM and WHERE pop out. I also put ON on the same line as the joined table so it's easy to see the list of tables used.
Justin K

try this:

          at.Name AS AccomplishmentTypeName,
          a.Name AS AreaName,
          ug.Name AS UserGroupName,  
          ugo.Name AS OtherUserGroupName 
FROM dbo.Accomplishment AS a
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentType AS at
  ON at.Id = a.AccomplishmentTypeId
INNER JOIN dbo.AccomplishmentArea AS aal
INNER JOIN dbo.Area AS al
  ON aal.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
  ON al.Id = aal.AreaId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserAccomplishment AS ua
INNER JOIN dbo.[User] AS u
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uug
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ug
INNER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugt
INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroup AS ugo
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserGroupType AS ugto
  ON ua.AccomplishmentId = a.Id
  ON u.Id = ua.UserId
  ON uug.UserId = u.Id
  ON ug.Id = uug.UserGroupId
  ON ugt.Id = ug.UserGroupTypeId
  ON uugo.UserId = u.Id
  ON ugo.Id = uugo.UserGroupId
  ON ugto.Id = ugo.UserGroupTypeId 
WHERE ug.LocalId = 2 AND
      ugo.LocalId <> 2 AND
      ugto.LocalId = 4
ORDER BY a.DateCreated DESC,
Also returns 4 results.

You JOINs are all fine. It's the filtering!

If you write a filter that does not allow nulls in left joined tables, then your filter will remove the additional records that the left joins allow.

ugo and ugto are both reached by LEFT JOIN

WHERE (ug.LocalId = 2)
  AND (ugo.LocalId <> 2 OR ugo.LocalId is null)
  AND (ugto.LocalId = 4 OR ugto.LocalId is null) 

PS - mixing JOIN and FILTERING criteria (both in ON or both in WHERE) is a recipe for insanity. Stay sane!

Edit: found an error in the join:

INNER JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo ON uugo.UserId = u.Id

Should be

LEFT JOIN dbo.UserUserGroup AS uugo ON uugo.UserId = u.Id
David B
This still gives back 4 results, (like in my post). But I need 5. I want all accomplishments whom has a user that is in usergroup 'Group A', and then if they are, then also return any other usergroups that user is in with usergrouptype.localid = 4 and stick that into the other usergroup column. The issue is, to include accomplishment 3 with Sue, I need to be able to allow OtherUserGroup column to be null, because Sue has no usergroups of usergrouptype.localid = 4, but still has usergroup Group A, so it should be in there, but every query I do to return accomplishment 3, returns the 9 rows.