




I am currently working on a Blackberry application. The application largely interacts with web services. At present we are using The JSR 172 stubs to interact with web service and facing some issues especially for the array type parameters. 1.JAXP subset: This is used for XML parsing 2.JAX-RPC Subset: This is used to consume web services.

Problem: Web service returns object of .Net’s List class. It gets serialized as an array of strings in XML. Stub completes the web service call successfully and receives string array. Actual list object returned by web service is contained by array of object array. But the stub code which dereferences the returned object looks for the actual list at index 0. This gives invalid cast exception.

Is there any way to resolve this issue?

Also we would like to know if there is any other better way to communicate with web service in a BB application .