



I am implementing the flash slider, Piecemaker, for the first time in my latest project. I've got a problem with it's animation being cropped by the width and height of its container, and I cannot for the life of me work out how to let it overflow outside its container during animations.

There is also a weird problem I've just noticed that the top of the slider gets clipped off for some reason?

Can anyone who's worked with piecemaker, or something similar, or a css ninja see what the problem is?

Here is the demo as it is at the moment - Link


You are setting a 100% height on the embed tag which doesn't get calculated right. Seems like the flash object has also a transparent part where the transitions rotate which is shifted up out of the area.

<embed height="100%" align="middle" width="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" salign="" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="false" menu="true" name="piecemaker" bgcolor="none" devicefont="false" wmode="transparent" scale="noscale" loop="true" play="true" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="piecemakerNoShadow.swf">

Try changing that to the actual slider height (i tried to hit in 500 and it already show whole transition effect).
