



Microsofts's WCF is easy to work with when you create Web services where each message has it's own Web method. WCF generates all of the WSDL and everything is easy.

What I want to do is have one Web method that accepts multiple different messages (I don't want to add a mew method every time I add a new message type). The messages themselves will have header information that identify the message type. Once I know the message type, I'll know the structure of the rest of the message.

The only way I've found to do this with WCF is to have the method accept a string, which I parse in as XML and and use. However, I can see no clear way to publish the various message types in the WSDL; so, the whole service is essentially undocumented.

Anyone know of a technique to use in WCF?

+1  A: 

You can write an operation contract that accepts any message by setting the Action to * and having it take in a Message object:

public interface IMessageContract
    [OperationContract(Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
    Message ProcessRequest(Message request);

The Message object gives you access to the headers and has methods to deserialize the body.

To export your own WSDL, you will need to implement IWsdlExportExtension on a contract behavior or operation behavior and attach it to your service. This will give you access to a WsdlExporter, and you can create a ContractDescription yourself and call ExportContract to have it appear in the generated WSDL.
