I made a function to create cows variable, then later I made another function to butcher them. The two functions are methods in a class. When I use the create cow function it works, and I get the value of cows. However when I access the butcher function the value of cows is zero.
It's like there are two different variables; I didn't think that functions could have local variables if they were void functions.
How can I fix this?
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Cheif
int points;
string name;
int NoodleS;
int RosemaryS;
int ParcleyS;
int PepperS;
int Field;
int Water;
int star;
int foodPrep;
int ingrPrep;
int endOfPrep;
int money;
int ingr1;
int ingr2;
int ingr3;
int Noodle;
int Rosemary;
int Parcley;
int Pepper;
int chickMeat;
int beef;
int chickens;
int cows;
// constructor
money = 1000;
points = 0;
star = 10;
endOfPrep = 0;
ingr1 = 0;
ingr2 = 0;
ingr3 = 0;
Noodle = 0;
Rosemary = 0;
Parcley = 0;
Pepper= 0 ;
cows = 0;
chickens = 0;
beef = 0;
chickMeat = 0;
// method
// //
// ask user for their name //
// //
void FindName()
cout << "what is your name? " << endl;;
cin >> name;
cout << endl << " Welcome " << name
<< " let us begin... " <<endl;
// END //
// //
// Buy animal live stock //
// //
void Buy_Cow()
if(money > 199)
money -= 200;
cows += 1;
cout <<" you now have " << cows << " cows" << endl;
void Buy_Chick()
if(money > 99)
money -= 200;
chickens += 1;
// END //
// //
// if user goes to open store //
// //
void GOTO_Store()
// while food is not prepared yet
while(endOfPrep == 0){
// show menu
cout << "<1> Make Food \n"
<< "<2> Collect Ingridents \n"
<< "<3> Butcher Animal \n"
<< "<4> Go Back... \n" << endl;
// create variable to hold choice
string OS_Choice;
cin >> OS_Choice;
/////////// if user decides to "make food" /////////////
if (OS_Choice == "1")
if(foodPrep == 1)
cout << "you've already prepared the meal..." << endl;
if(ingr1 <= 0 ||ingr2 <= 0 || ingr3 <= 0)
cout << "your using" << ingr1 << " " << ingr2<< " " << ingr3 << endl;
} // end of ingredient check
cout << " and how shall this mean be prepared? " << endl;
int prepMethod;
cout << "<1> Baked \n "
<< "<2> boiled \n "
<< "<3> Fried \n "
<< "<4> mixed \n ";
cin >> prepMethod;
cout << " And what kind of sides would you like to add? " << endl;
int sideChoice;
cout << "<1> bread Roll \n "
<< "<2> Rice \n "
<< "<3> Beans \n" << endl;
cin >> sideChoice;
foodPrep = 1;
}// end of food choice
//begin food compare.
/////////// if user decides to get ingrediants /////////////
}else if(OS_Choice == "2"){
if (ingrPrep == 1){
cout << " you have already collected the ingredients " << endl;
cout << "what 3 ingridents will you use? " << endl;
cin >> ingr1;
cin >> ingr2;
cin >> ingr3;
}// end of ingrident prep
/////////// if user decides to get ingrediants /////////////
}else if(OS_Choice == "3")
cout << " you have " << cows << " cows \n "
<< " you have " << chickens << " Chickens \n ";
cout << "what would you like to butcher? " << endl;
cout << "<1> Cows : " << cows << endl;
cout << "<2> Chicken : " << chickens << endl;
int B_Choice;
cin >> B_Choice;
if(B_Choice == 1){
if(cows == 0){
cout << " sorry you dont have any cows " << endl;
cows = cows - 1;
beef = beef + 5;
cout << " you now have " << beef << "peices of cow meat" << endl;
ingrPrep = 1;
}//end of cow check
}else if(B_Choice == 2){
if(chickens == 0){
cout << " sorry you dont have any chickens " << endl;
chickens = chickens - 1;
chickMeat = chickMeat + 2;
cout << " you now have " << chickMeat << "peices of Chicken meat" << endl;
ingrPrep = 1;
} // end chicken Check
}else {
cout << "invalid Choice" << endl;
}// end of b choice
}else if(OS_Choice == "4") {
endOfPrep = 1;
foodPrep = 0;
ingrPrep = 0;
ingr1 = 0;
ingr2 = 0;
ingr3 = 0;
}// end of ingr prep.
}//end of while loop
// END //