



I have the need to open a file, read-lock it, then attempt to get a write lock but keep the read lock if it fails.

This works great in POSIX using fcntl locking.

In Windows I can use LockFileEx to get file locks. I can get both read and write locks (shared and exclusive).

However, it seems that in Windows I must take the exclusive write lock first and then add the read lock. This is the opposite order of what I do on POSIX and it causes problems for my abstraction layer. When I do it in that order in POSIX I lose the write lock by taking the read lock because fcntl replaces the existing lock instead of adding locks as Windows does.

I can hack it with #ifdefs to change the locking order at the call sites, but I am looking for good ideas to fix my abstraction code.

// This is the header file
struct LockFileImpl;
class LockFile {
    boost::scoped_ptr<LockFileImpl> p;

    LockFile(const File &); 
    virtual ~LockFile();

    void unlock() const;
    void rd_lock() const;
    void wr_lock() const;
    bool rd_try() const;
    bool wr_try() const;

class LockFileRead : public LockFile{
    LockFileRead(const File &f) : LockFile(f)
    { rd_lock(); }

class LockFileWrite : public LockFile{
    LockFileWrite(const File &f) : LockFile(f)
    { wr_lock(); }

// This is the Win32 implementation file. There's a different one for POSIX.
struct LockFileImpl
    handle_t hFile;
    bool rd_locked;
    bool wr_locked;

    LockFileImpl(handle_t x) : hFile(x), rd_locked(false), wr_locked(false)

LockFile::LockFile(const File &f)
    : p( new LockFileImpl(f.handle()) )


void LockFile::unlock() const
    if(p->wr_locked) {
        throw_win32_err_if( UnlockFile(p->hFile, 0, 0, 1, 0) == 0 );
        p->wr_locked = false;
    if(p->rd_locked) {
        throw_win32_err_if( UnlockFile(p->hFile, 0, 0, 1, 0) == 0 );
        p->rd_locked = false;

void LockFile::rd_lock() const
    OVERLAPPED over = {0};
    over.Offset = 0;
    throw_win32_err_if( !LockFileEx(p->hFile, 0, 0, 1, 0, &over) );
    p->rd_locked = true;
    if(p->wr_locked) {
        throw_win32_err_if( UnlockFile(p->hFile, 0, 0, 1, 0) == 0 );
        p->wr_locked = false;

void LockFile::wr_lock() const
    OVERLAPPED over = {0};
    over.Offset = 0;
    throw_win32_err_if( !LockFileEx(p->hFile, LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, 0, 1, 0, &over) );
    p->wr_locked = true;

bool LockFile::rd_try() const
    OVERLAPPED over = {0};
    over.Offset = 0;
    bool r = !!LockFileEx(p->hFile, LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY, 0, 1, 0, &over);
    if(r) {
        p->rd_locked = true;
        if(p->wr_locked) {
            throw_win32_err_if( UnlockFile(p->hFile, 0, 0, 1, 0) == 0 );
            p->wr_locked = false;
    return r;

bool LockFile::wr_try() const
    OVERLAPPED over = {0};
    over.Offset = 0;
    bool r = !!LockFileEx(p->hFile, LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY|LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, 0, 1, 0, &over);
    if(r) {
        p->wr_locked = true;
    return r;