



Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a simple exception handler which will help me debug the application. Right now, when I have an exception I am forced to connect with Eclipse debugger merely to see the exception details.

To avoid that I've used setUncaughtExceptionHandler to handle any unhandled exception and display a Toast on the exception. Unfortunately, that doesn't work.

public class TicTacToe extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {

            public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
                Toast.makeText(TicTacToe.this, "TOAST", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


        Button continueButton = (Button) findViewById(;
        continueButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

                int i = 5;
                i = 5 / 0;

                Toast.makeText(TicTacToe.this, "BUTTON", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();             


Essentially I made a form with a single button, pressing on which, it would throw a devision-by-zero exception. However, pressing the button doesn't cause the global toast handler to show. Instead, the button stays orange (pressed) and nothing happens.

Needless to say, if I comment out i = 5 / 0; I see the toast that says that a button was pressed.

Two questions: 1) Why isn't the toast showing in the UncaughtExceptionHandler body? How do cause it to show? 2) Is there an alternative/better way for global exception handling? I guess I could install aLogCat on the android simulator and simply log the uncaught exception, it seems, however, less comfortable - I will need to be switching applications just to see exception details.


+3  A: 

You're not seeing anything because the exception happened on your UI thread and the stack unrolled all the way. So there is no more Looper and there is no support there that is used to display the Toast. If you want to display the exception information on screen you'll most likely need to start another Activity in another process.

There is also a problem with your UncaughtExceptionHandler. You really should keep a reference to the old one and call it at the end of uncaughtException this allows the system to display the Force Close button.

Thanks, that explains it. Does it mean that this process is done for? I can't stop it from closing down at that point?
Yea, pretty much. The default uncaught exception handler tries to kill the process. I'm thinking they do that for a good reason and you should call it and let it do that.