





I need to get at the image dimensions of a JPEG in C++. I'm looking for either a fairly simple way to do it, or a smallish library that provides that functionality. I'm working in C++ on OpenVMS, so any external libraries may have to be adapted to compile on our systems - so please don't post me links to big, closed source libraries!

Has anyone come across anything that might do the trick, or understand the JPEG file format (I think I probably mean the JFIF file format here) to tell me how I might go about rolling my own solution?



+1  A: 

Maybe libjpeg?

+10  A: 

You have this C function which may extract the relevant data for you.

This is a C routine but should compile fine with C++.
Pass it a normal FILE pointer (from fopen) to the beginning of a jpeg file and two int pointers to be set with the image height and width.

Or you may find in the Boost library a jpeg class which has the right function (From Adobe Generic Image Library).


boost::gil::jpeg_read_dimensions (const char *filename)

Returns the width and height of the JPEG file at the specified location. Throws std::ios_base::failure if the location does not correspond to a valid JPEG file.

Thanks for teaching about Boost GIL!
Sorry for the delay - just disappeared off to get married! Back at my desk now :-(.I opted for the C routine (though the #defines at the top are HORRIBLE - rewrote those as functions).
Dominic Rodger
Congratulation to both of you!
return Many Happyreturn Many Happy!

This link:


seems to have some straightforward information on the JFIF format with particular regard to the image dimensions and resolution.

Mike Edwards

You should be able to use this jpeg lib with this patch for OpenVMS

+3  A: 

libjpeg is reasonably small, open source and available on OpenVMS. It's probably quicker to install it than to handle JPEG yourself.

+1  A: 

No need for full libjpeg library just to get this information (unless you need to do something else with the images). ImageInfo might help you. It is a Java class, but there are ports for other languages, including C++.
As pointed out, Exif might change these information (eg. with orientation setting).

+1 Very interesting. I might use that for my java project :)

You may want to try GDAL library which serves as an abstraction layer for large number of raster data formats, mostly used in geospatial applications for GIS/RS.

GDAL provides number of APIs, for C, C++ and scripting languages. Of course, it supports JPEG images and its variants like JPEG2000 and more.

Here is a very simple example how to open JPEG image and query its dimensions:

#include <gdal_priv.h>

GDALAllRegister(); // call ones in your application

GDALDataset* ds = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen("my.jpeg", GA_ReadOnly);
int width  = ds->GetRasterXSize();
int height = ds->GetRasterYSize(),
int nbands = ds->GetRasterCount();

Check GDAL API tutorial for more complete example.
