I have a php script using nusoap to connect to a web service on:
$uri = 'http://soap.1011.my-online-check.com:8080/avavoip_gate.php?wsdl';
$client = new nusoap_client($uri, true, false, false, false, false, 30, 90);
$result = $client->call($method, $args);
It works fine on my Mac.
However, when I upload the very same script to both my webhosting providers both using cpanel, one of which is bluehost.com, the script fails with the following error:
Error: wsdl error: Getting 'http://soap.1011.my-online-check.com:8080/avavoip_gate.php?wsdl - HTTP ERROR: Couldn't open socket connection to server 'http://soap.1011.my-online-check.com:8080/avavoip_gate.php?wsdl, Error (110): Connection timed out
So I installed CentOS on my other PC to test the script. Initially I got the same error above, but after setting SELinux to Permissive instead of Enforcing, the script worked fine too.
I have tried asking my hosting providers to change the SELinux settings but to no avail. Any advice on how I could possibly get my script to work on my webhosting providers?