I'm trying to decide on a schema for storing cross-browser bugs across all the rendering engines.
Here's what I had in mind:
browser_engines table:
id name version
1 gecko 1.5
2 gecko 1.7
3 gecko 1.8
4 gecko 1.9.0
5 gecko 1.9.1
browser_versions table:
id name version engine_id
1 firefox 3.0 4
2 firefox 3.5 5
browser_bugs table:
id name description engine_id
1 ff bug 4
So if I pulled the first bug, it would map to gecko 1.9.0, so the html view would render the browser affected as Firefox 3.0.
Question 1.1: Does this schema make sense? Is it normalized enough?
Question 1.2: What data type should the version column be?