code x y
23 22.1 33.11
23 110 22
23 11 200
24 111 321
24 222 111
24 10 22.1
10 88.3 99.3
10 110 32
10 121 143
10 190 200
EDITED: On the above file, the first column represent the image code which displayed on screen, and the x and y represent the point where people look on the image. There were 3 different images displayed to the user. The problem with the code below is that I don't know how to save the image with the plotted xy on with the same name of file as it opened.
A=textscan(fid,'%f%f%f'); %read data from the file
code =A{1};
xfix =A{2};
yfix =A{3};
for k=1:length(code)
I = imread([num2str(imagefile) '.jpg']); %# Load a sample image
imshow(I); %# Display it
[r,c,d] = size(I) %# Get the image size
set(gca,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1]); %# Modify axes size
set(gcf,'Units','pixels','Position',[200 200 c r]); %# Modify figure size
hold on;
x = xfix2(k);
y = yfix2(k);
plot(x,y,'+ b');
f = getframe(gcf); %# Capture the current window
imwrite(f.cdata,([num2str(imagefile) '.jpg'])); %# Save the frame data
hold off
However, I have a little problem. The "cross plots" which I overlay on the image, were surrounded by gray shadow (like when we photocopy a paper, they will be a gray color on it). How this happened?