I am trying to make an example of a toolkit work, but after typing make, I got the following error:
g++ -o taskintro taskintro.o `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config orocos-ocl-gnulinux orocos-rtt-gnulinux --libs`
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libxerces-c-3.0.so, needed by /usr/local/lib/liborocos-rtt-gnulinux.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/local/lib/liborocos-rtt-gnulinux.so: undefined reference to `xercesc_3_0::XMLUni::fgXercesContinueAfterFatalError'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [taskintro] Error 1
I have the following versions installed;
I tried to make a symbolic linking by:
ln -s /usr/lib/libxerces-c-3.1.so libxerces-c-3.0.so
but nothing changed. I think I need to determine the path of the installed directory but I don't have a lot experience in this issue, so I would be very happy if some one can help me to find out.
My makefile is like this;
*OROCOS_TARGET = gnulinux
OROPATH = /usr/local
CC = g++
LD = ld
OROFLAGS= -Wall -g `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${OROPATH}/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config orocos-ocl-${OROCOS_TARGET} orocos-rtt-${OROCOS_TARGET} --cflags`
OROLIBS = `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${OROPATH}/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config orocos-ocl-${OROCOS_TARGET} orocos-rtt-${OROCOS_TARGET} --libs`
all: taskintro
taskintro.o: TaskIntro.cxx ${OROPATH}/include/rtt/os/fosi.h *.hpp
${CC} -c ${OROFLAGS} $< -o $@*