



Hello Anyone, Can anybody help me in such situation: I have Navigation interface in my application and push TestController to nav stack

Also I have separate xib file: Test.xib where File owner's is TestController. Test.xib has View (property TopBar set as NavigationBar and it shows) with only TextView.

All works fine: Controller is pushed to stack, Back button is shown but there is no Title of TestController and I can't drop NavigationItem on the View to display own title.

How can I set in Test.xib Title on the NavigationBar ???

PS: Programmatically works (in TestController.m -> ViewDidLoad: self.title=@"Test controller";) but I need exactly in xib from IB (it's requirement of my employer)

Regards, Alex


Add a UINavigationItem and set the properties there.

Tried before had written - did not added. I see NavigationItem in the list of objects of xib but no this item on the windows shows UI. Trying drag'n'drop from Library to window with UI get bounce back.
Not sure it is possible then - out of interest, why exactly do you need to do this? I cannot see any practical purpose
Thanks for answer.>why exactly do you need to do this? I cannot see any practical purposeMe too, but as I wrote my employer require it from me