



1) i have 2 tabs Categories and SubCategories on db with relation 1 to many (im using entity framework)

2) i have to create a vertical menu like this

   <li>category 1
       <li>subcategory 1</li>
       <li>subcategory 2</li>      
       <li>subcategory 3</li>

i think that my problem is here in my function

 Function List_category_subcategory() As List(Of WHAT HERE???????)

        Using db As New DBTestEntities

            Dim q = From cat In db.categories Join subcat In db.subcategories On cat.CategoryID Equals subcat.CategoryID _
            Select New With {cat.CategoryName, subcat.SubCategoryName}

        List_category_subcategory = WHAT HERE???????

        End Using

    End Function

because i dont know what function have to return (maybe a list collection)

After it on my view have to cycle everything

something like that

<%  For Each cat In ??????%>
 <li><a href="#"><%=Html.Encode(cat.CategoryName)%></a>
            <% For Each subcat In ???????%>          
            <% Next%>
<% Next%>
+1  A: 

Shouldn't SubCategory be a property of category (it kind of seems more natural but I could be wrong here)? Also you have a malformed li tag in the nested loop (<li<%=):

<ul id="menu-1" class="menu"> 
    <% For Each category In Model.Category %>
        <a href="#"><%= Html.Encode(category.CategoryName) %></a>
        <% For Each subcategory In category.SubCategory %>          
                <%= Html.Encode(subcategory.SubCategoryName) %>
        <% Next %>
    <% Next %>
Darin Dimitrov
it doesnn't works
That's very descriptive.
Darin Dimitrov

Missing closing > on inner li?

Andy Robinson
edited the first post