
Custom datatable with metadata used for binding to a Gridview?

I'm binding a datatable to a gridview control, and when I format each column I need to format the data based on whether that column has a particular custom attribute. In this case, a column can represent: a text box (in which case I just display the text from the textbox in the gridview), a checkbox (in which case I display "Checked" ...

DAL using typed dataset

Are there any performance issues in using Typed Data Sets as DAL? Is it a recommended approach? I am using it for listing purposes only (repeater). It has paging, sorting functionalities too. ...

saving a records containing a member of type string to a file (Delphi, Windows)

I have a record that looks similar to: type TNote = record Title : string; Note : string; Index : integer; end; Simple. The reason I chose to set the variables as string (as opposed to an array of chars) is that I have no idea how long those strings are going to be. They can be 1 char long, 200 or 2000. Of course when...

what's wrong with these?

I create a strong typed view ,but i can't get the Mode and viewdata and the Html... This is my sample code: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MiniMain.ViewModel.ArticleViewdata>" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server"> ...

Why i can't call the Model and ViewData, and Html in the strong typed page?

I created a new strong typed View ,something like this: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MiniMain.ViewModel.ArticleViewdata>" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server"> <%Model %> </asp:Content> but when I called...

problem with update strong typed dataset turn to database in C# .net framework 3.5

Hi all, I want to remove some special characters in a table of database. I've used strong typed table to do it. When i got all data into dataset from database and modified it then i called method update() of data adapter to turn dataset to database but it doesn't work. Below is my code DsTel tel = new DsTel(); DsTelTable...

Flex - Typed ArrayCollection as Horizontallist's dataprovider

Hi community! I have an ArrayCollection of objects. I'm passing this array to a horizontallist as a dataprovider and I'm using a custom itemRenderer. When executing the application, the horizontallist is displaying [object CustomClass][object CustomClass][object CustomClass][object CustomClass] I've tried casting each object in t...

Selecting one row when working with typed datasets.

I have a typed dataset in my project. I would like to populate a datatable with only one row instead of all rows. The selected row must be based on the primary key column. I know I could modify the designer code to achive this functionality however if I change the code in the designer I risk that this code will be deleted when I update m...

Cycle categories with subcategories

1) i have 2 tabs Categories and SubCategories on db with relation 1 to many (im using entity framework) 2) i have to create a vertical menu like this <ul> <li>category 1 <ul> <li>subcategory 1</li> <li>subcategory 2</li> <li>subcategory 3</li> </ul> </li> </ul> i think that my problem is here ...

cast e.Item.DataItem to typed dataset1.TableRow (Datagrid1_ItemDataBound event)

hi all, on http://www.dotnetjohn.com/articles.aspx?articleid=83 there is good example of using typed dataset though its in vb.net. I am not able to to the castings done in DataGrid1_ItemDataBound event in c#. Can any body help? datarow = CType(CType(e.Item.DataItem, DataRowView).Row, Dataset1.WorkExperianceDataRow) is the line with which...