
Why does Flex's ArrayCollection's Contain method look at memory reference?

When using .contains() on an ArrayCollection in Flex, it will always look at the memory reference. It does not appear to look at an .equals() method or .toString() method or anything overridable. Instead, I need to loop through the ArrayCollection every time and check each individual item until I find what I'm looking for. Does anyone...

Different filtered dataProviders for the same data ?

I have several lookup tables, some of which refer to or are relationships between others. For instance, I have membership type included inventory which has Membership ID and Inventory Type ID and is the amount of each Inventory Type that one gets when one gets a specific type of membership. When the user is reviewing an Inventory Type...

possible to display an arrayCollection of Sprites in a List component?

I have an arrayCollection of objects that extend Sprite, and have bitmaps within them. I want to display these in a list (or some other component that would allow a user to scroll through them, and see their associated data.) When I do: myList.dataProvider = myArrayCollection the list just shows a bunch of lines of [Object, Item] inst...

ArrayCollection reverses order of my objects

I'll show you the function first. private var areaCollection:ArrayCollection; private function generateAreaCollection():void { areaCollection = new ArrayCollection(); areaCollection.addItem({Areal: "Totalareal:", Verdi: int(totalArea * 100) / 100 + " kvm"}); areaCollection.addItem({Areal: "Hovedtakets areal:", Verdi: in...

array collection filter flex

hey guys, is it possible for me to filter only a certain column in a arraycollection but still displaying the other values in a datagrid? ...

Populating ArrayCollection with HTTPService

Hello, I am creating a RSS Feed application based on a data, and I have the following: I have an ArrayCollection that is pre-populated with data. I am sorting through the ArrayCollection, get 1 piece of data (condition), and need to connect to an RSS feed which returns me the title, and I set my ArrayCollection in correspondence to con...

Flex: Convert ArrayCollection to XML

In Flex, it's easy to convert the XML to Object and to ArrayCollection by using var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(); decoder.decodeXML( xml ); But is there a good way to convert ArrayCollection to XML. I have search a while on the internet and havn't found any answer. Thanks. ...

Passing an ArrayCollection from ColdFusion to Flex (with BlazeDS)

When pushing objects from ColdFusion to Flex via BlazeDS, and mapping the classes using RemoteClass... [RemoteClass(alias="blah.blah")] it possible to have ColdFusion "Arrays" (or some Java equivalent) automatically mapped to ActionScript ArrayCollections? This chap nearly had it, but not quite:

Flex: ArrayCollection children returns null

I have an ArrayCollection with following structure (when viewed in debug mode): [0] - [0] -- src - [1] -- src src is the path to an image. I need to get all of the src's out of the arraycollection. However because of the first (unnamed) node i can't take them in. I've tried ArrayCollection[0].children and save the result in another ...

Why does my TileList selectedIndex not get updated?

In the code below, the presentedAlbumIndex is used to control the selectedIndex of the TileList. Item "five" is initially selected. Whenever the button is pressed the first item in the array is deleted, and the presentedAlbumIndex is decremented. In theory, the selected index should stay with "five" every time the button is clicked (u...

How do you reference an entry immediately after it's been added to a dataGrid.

I have a drag-and-drop event form in a flex project. I need to run a validator right after the item is dragged into the dataGrid. In it, I fire off a function through dragDrop="verifyEventUsers()". In the validator, I compare the contents of the two arrayCollections, but it appears to be running the checks prior to completion of the d...

Reverse order of bars in a Flex BarChart

I'm trying to use a BarChart in Flex. I'd like it to order the bars according to the order of the ArrayCollection I fed it. i.e. data at index 0 should be the first bar on top. However, Flex is giving me the exact reverse order. i.e. data at index 0 is not the last bar in bottom. How could I tell the BarChart to reverse the order other...

Error in getting values from XML file to array Collection in Flex

I am trying display values in a datagrid in my application. I have all the values as an xml file. I had only one set of record n the XML file, to fill only one row of the data grid. While trying to store the values from the XML file to an Array Collection in the application File using the code, i.e., <mx:Model id="reviewList" source="...

How to get two xml files in a single array collection in flex?

I have two xml files, defect. xml and employee.xml. But the files havea common field but with different names in each file. I want both the files to be merged in to a single array collection. The structure of my defect.xml file is: <defectList> <defect> <revId>123</revId> <revType>IQA</revType> <s...

Populate ArrayCollection with HTTPService

Hi guys. Yes there is a question like this one, but there is no activity and no answer. I want to load data from a external XML file, using a HTTPService, and on the ResultEvent of the same HTTPService i want him to populate a ArrayCollection with the data from the XML. I think a ArrayCollection is the ideal for this XML. but I'm open...

Watching an ArrayCollection's length property in AS3/Flex

I would like to put an eventListener on an ArrayCollection's length proprety, but I don't know how to go about this. I want to do this because I only want code to execute when a certain number of things are in a certain ArrayCollection. I want Flex to wait to execute this code over the next object until that length property drops back t...

How do I change the value of an item in a Flex ArrayCollection

I have an ArrayCollection with values predefined. I want to assign a new value to items in the arrayCollection but can not figure out how. Basically I want to do something like this: acGuages.itemUpdated(0).thevalue = 90; (Changing the value from 25 to 90). Thanks. private var arrayGuages:Array=[ {thevalue:"25",height:"115"},...

Refresh GroupCollection of an AdvancedDatagrid - the sorted Arraycollection gets Randomized

I have an AdvancedDatagrid which gets populated by an ArrayCollection. I ordered the ArrayCollection by date (one of its properties), so it shows from past to future. The thing is, if I refresh the GroupingCollection (for immediate display in the datagrid) After the Sorting of the ArrayCollection, the ordering of the dates in the ArrayC...

Actionscript: Sorting ArrayCollection by date: YYYY-MM-DD

I have an ArrayCollection of Objects. Each Object has the following keys/values: {date: 2009-12-01, visits=13555, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-05, visits=46955, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-06, visits=13685, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-02, visits=13685, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-04, visits=68755, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-03, vis...

VS2005:Convert FluorineFx.AMF3.ArrayCollection to DataTable

Hello Everyone, I want to convert FluorineFx.AMF3.ArrayCollection to DataTable,anyone know how to do that? ...